Immediately Sam and Alex talk over each other again asking what exactly had happened and why the police were involved. It is a solid couple of seconds of loud voices, and Lena clocks that Kara is flinching.

"Guys, we are fine. But this call is upsetting Kara. I will explain more when we are able. I promise. We are okay. Sam can you cover for me? And Alex, can you cover for Kara?"

"Of course," they both answer.

"Great, I'm hanging up to take care of her. You two should definitely stay on the line to catch up, though." Lena unceremoniously hangs up on the two women. She turns all her attention back to the blonde woman. "What do you need from me, darling?"

"I- I don't know," Kara whispers.

"How about I order us some breakfast, and we can cuddle all day. And if there is something you want to do, just say it, and I'll make it happen. Alright?"

"Thank you."

Lena leans down and kisses Kara's unbruised temple. "No thanks necessary. You did the same for me. It's the least I can do."

Lena pulls up her phone to order their breakfast from Noonan's. She puts her phone down and shifts on the couch, gently jostling Kara. "Kara, darling, I'm so sorry, but I really need to use your bathroom. Will you be okay for a couple minutes?"

Kara unconsciously grips on but nods her head. "I need you to let me go. I'll be right back, baby. I promise."

Lena carefully pulls herself away to run to the bathroom. She quickly takes care of her business. As she washes her hands, she stares at herself in the mirror. She takes a moment to reflect. A whole whirlwind of emotions spins through her. She is unbelievably pissed at Mike, or Mon-el, or whatever the hell he calls himself. She is heartbroken for Kara. Clearly, he hurt her beyond measure. She finds herself proud that she has stayed level-headed through all this and hasn't spiraled out. And, a bit surprisingly, she finds herself loving that blonde woman in the other room. She wants to protect her, hold her, open herself up to her. Lena wants to be with her. She wants to talk to Kelly about it before she does anything that could do more damage to either one of them, but suddenly, the reservations that she had before - just weren't there any more.

Lena smiles to herself. She opens the bathroom door, and before she can blink, Kara is tumbling to the floor. "Kara!"

"'m sorry. Didn't want to be alone."

Lena squats down and takes Kara's face into her hands. She runs her thumbs over her temples, taking a look at the dark bruise covering the area. "We should ice this, babe. Come on. We can go get comfy on the couch, and you can have all of me, all day."

Kara nods and sniffles. Lena helps her off the floor and moves her to the kitchen, holding hands. She grabs another ice pack and towel and moves them to the living room. Lena lays down and pulls Kara on top of her. Kara's head rests on Lena's chest with her body slotted between pale thighs. The ice pack rests on her bruised temple. Lena massages Kara's scalp again while Kara pulls Lena's other hand to her chest. Lena lets in a sharp inhale when she can feel Kara's free hand slip under her shirt to rest on her stomach.

"Sorry. 's this 'kay?"

"Yes, darling. I was just surprised. It's okay." Lena's heart pounds as she can feel fingers running random patterns against her skin. "I want you to be comfortable. Just let me know if there's anything else you need."

"Thanks, Lee."

They lay in silence. Lena's fingers moving on Kara's scalp, and Kara's finger moving on Lena's stomach. Lena can finally feel the blonde relax into her. They enjoy the peacefulness of it all.

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