This time, Sam is speechless. She momentarily gets caught in her thoughts. Damn, these Danvers' sisters have got it going on. Of course she has a motorcycle. "Uh, y-yeah. I'd love to."


Kara and Lena leave Noonan's. They are still a bit stilted and awkward with trying to strike a balance. Normally, these are the situations that Kara takes a long ride to clear her head.

"Hey! How'd you feel about another motorcycle ride?" Kara proposes.

"Yeah, actually. I'd like that very much." Lena can't help but be glad that at least there is no pressure to talk. And she can spend time with her.

Kara takes Lena back to her apartment to gather her helmets and her keys. They both hop on. Kara has to encourage Lena to firmly wrap her arms around her torso. Kara takes them out of town on her usual route. A half hour into the ride, Kara slows them down and pulls them into a creamery. She taps Lena's thigh to have her dismount. Kara pops her visor on her helmet and helps Lena do the same. Kara points over Lena's shoulder.

"That's my sister's bike."

The women move to look through the windows at the shop. They smirk at each other at the sight. Sam and Alex are sharing a milkshake together and sitting a little too close to be platonic.

"Let's go fuck with them," Lena says with an evil glint in her eye.

They move into the store. The door chimes at their arrival, and the women look out of instinct. Lena has a perfectly sculpted brow arched as her best friend, and Kara's sister practically flies away from Sam. They both look like they had just been caught doing something they shouldn't.

"Mind if we join you, lovebirds?" Lena teases.

Sam just rolls her eyes, recognizing that Lena is just messing with them. Alex immediately goes red in the face and stammers. "L-l-lovebirds?! Psh. W-we aren't!"

"Totally convincing there, sis," Kara chimes in.

Sam cocks her head and returns fire. "Yes, you can join us - lovebirds."

Kara's face freezes in shock, but she quickly recovers by redirecting her attention to the ice cream. "Lee, what would you like?"

"Oh just surprise me, darling."

Kara focuses on the multitude of options, asking for some samples here and there. Alex and Sam share a knowing glance. Instead of drinking the milkshake at the same time, like Kara and Lena witnessed before, they are very careful to take turns.

"So, what is with the Danvers sisters and their motorcycles?" Lena asks.
Alex beams proudly. "It was something that bonded us when Kara joined our family. We used to race these back roads all the time."

"Who'd win?" Sam perks up with interest.

"I did," both sisters answer at the same time. They break into an argument of taking over each other about various races and circumstances that disqualified certain race outcomes.

Lena cuts them off, "Well, I'm just glad you are alive to argue about it."

"Hey! There is nowhere safer than behind me on a bike," Kara adamantly professes as she returns to the table with about 10 different flavors of ice cream. Sam and Lena eye her in disbelief. "What? Whatever you don't eat, I will."

"Don't doubt her. Kara has like a separate stomach or something for ice cream. This is her restraining herself," Alex chips in.

The four women joke and laugh the day away. Kara does indeed scarf down all the ice cream. Lena managed to sample about 4 different types before demolishing the butter pecan by herself. Kara and Lena finally felt like they were back to where they were before game night. Sam not so subtly flirts with Alex, causing her to blush more and more frequently. By the afternoon rolls around, the Danvers sisters are in a heated argument.

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