"Mr. O'Neil's like your fake dad, right?" Mikey talks around a mouthful of pancakes. "Maybe you can say he's been homeschooling you?"

"They wouldn't believe that, they know how much he works." She frowns, nudging her food around her plate. So I suggest something.

"How about witness protection? You saw a guy get shot and the government had to hide you." She gave me a look that mirrored the others' while they just stared at me over the table. As if I wasn't taking this seriously. "What? It could work."

"If I went into witness protection they'd be the first people to know." Y/n stabs her fork into a piece of meat, but looks back up at me. "Points for creativity though."

"S'what I'm here for."

"Car accident."

All of us look at Donnie when he suddenly spoke up, casually chugging some coffee from his mug.

"What was that?"

"A car accident." Don shrugged simply. "It's the perfect excuse."

"It's not as bad as Raph's murder idea..." Leo comments, even though that idea totally would've worked, "but it sounds like a big lie to pull off."

"Maybe so, but if anyone happens to notice your past injuries or asks about your long absence, it's a good excuse."

"... You've been thinking about this."

"Of course. It's believable. It doesn't raise questions and gets people off your back. We could even prove it to the school and FCS. It's just a matter of uh... forging up some hospital records," he moved his coffee cup over his mouth to stifle that last part about breaking the law. "Kirby can sign off on the papers and you'll be good to re-enroll when you go back."

"Wow." Leo blinked, thinking it over. "That is strangely perfect."

"As long as you're comfortable telling your supervisor you kept it from them."

"Not a problem." She agrees with ease. "Thanks, Don. This was fun." She picked up a glass of orange juice as the table was silent. I have to say, as uncomfortable as it is sitting around the breakfast table and thinking up ways to lie to her Foster supervisor about her being tortured, I was enjoying not being the only one with all the dry humor.

Your POV

"Easy. We're almost there."

"... Should I be climbing up this ladder slower?"

"If it gets you onto the roof safer."

I reach up and take Leo's outstretched hand, stepping off the ladder. "If you mother hen any harder you're gonna start molting."

"You calling me mother hen isn't insulting, it just lets me know I'm doing my job right." He counters with a proud smile and a peck to my cheek.

As much as I didn't want to laugh at that comment, I did. "You're annoying."

"Come on," he grinned wider, tugging me along with him further on the asphalt.

It was his idea to try this outing before I come back out for school soon. We're on a roof with a giant billboard and a door to the roof, connecting to a couple other buildings. Somewhere he assured was far away from anywhere near that place.

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