Yuuko breathed a laugh. "Katsuki is Bakugo's first name?" I hummed yes. "And bought you fried chicken to save you from disgusting hospital food?" Another hum.

"Then why the fuck you didn't start dating him there!?"

I snorted and broadly smiled. Yuuko returned the smile brightly, eyes tearing up on seeing me laugh and smile freely. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I have had zero experience with romance or romantic feelings. And he is pretty shit at talking about his own emotions."

"Ha!" Yuuko bursted before covering her loud laugh with her hand. "That's an understatement!" I slapped her shoulder slightly and she struggled to contain her laughter.

"I'm serious! I thought I was absolutely insane and dying sometimes for about two months because of how my heart raced around him!"

Yuuko broke down into a fit of laughter. And at her snorts and gasps, I ended up joining her. And then we were both dying from not being able to breathe of laughter. Gripping onto her arm through the blanket, my head fell to her shoulder and I finally sucked in some air to my lungs.

"Alright - ahem - now finish the entire story," Yuuko egged on. So I did.

I ran over how I was initially closer with the boys before the girls, how Katsuki and I somehow bonded over the period of private training. That I held my first sleepover at Sero's house with everyone, and that the question the girls gave me caused me to blush. Yuuko, once again, bursted into laughter at that part.

I skipped over the shower and swinging scenes. That would be just for me and Katsuki. 

When I told Yuuko about how the girls and I got closer, the outing we had Sunday after that shitty week, she discreetly wiped at a stray tear. I didn't call her out on it. Then I briefly explained how Katsuki and I got together that Monday without going into heavy details.

Ok, ok, one more question."  I peered up from under my eyelashes to see a smirk on her lips. What the fuck is she going to ask now?

""Have you gone all the way with your hottie? I mean, I felt the tension through the screen before you guys were together and shit."

I froze and glared at Yuuko. She smiled cheekily back and my annoyance abated. Slightly.

Would it hurt to tell her? No... she did talk about her first time with me, but not in detail. That's it. I'll say yes but not go into detail about it - that way I don't embarrass myself trying to explain what we  did.

"... yeah." My voice came out softly, like I was shy. 

But Yuuko pounced.


"Okay, so pink hot-girl is Mina Ashido, punk-short-hardcore girl is Kyoka Jiro, dark-blonde-flirt is Denki Kaminari, sharp-toothed cute red-head is Eijiro Kirishima, tall tape-spider-man is Hanta Sero, and the alpha-male, asshole-to-all, stole-my-cousin's-heart, drop-dead-hot-guy is Katsuki Bakugo?"

I snorted a laugh and nodded, placing the second-to-last fork down. Yuuko, in turn, set down the last glass. "That's correct. Though, do forego all those descriptive words before they get here."

For the past hour she's been running me ragged with her questions. 'Do they like certain colors?' 'What is the best greeting word?' 'Are you sure I got their names right?'. I've dutifully answered her questions while I cooked. But I was tired as shit and don't remember what I've told her.

Yuuko grinned and stretched her arms, looking over the table. "I'll do my best to make a good impression on them.  And apologize."

"Don't have a plan in mind and just go with the flow." I waved her words off and turned to place the last fork down, but hit my elbow on the back of the chair, cursing as a brief, sharp pain shot down my arm.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now