I chose a path. Twenty meters wide. Going up just before the camp. Least amount of animals, most amount of rocks. I barely made out how my classmates moved away from me, tensing up. 

Closed my eyes. Felt the air wrapped around me, spread out far in a radius, encompassing life and light. Honed into that path I chose. 

And crushed down. 

A heavy destruction sound rose up from below the cliff and I opened my eyes. Dust rose high in the air from where I selected, a gasp sounding out from everyone except three people. I snapped my fingers again, pleased with how my body only trembled, not cave in on itself.

Jiro was right. Training without Katsuki, Aizawa, or the bracelet made it way easier to try to control my Quirk.

"So.... Anyone up for an invisible slide?" I teased, forming a hard-air slide down the cliff, to where the path started. I hopped onto the start of it, right off the cliff's edge.

"Yeah. Let's finish this already," Shoto spoke up immediately, walking to my side. My lips twitched as I sensed his body stiffen up at the height, despite his unfazed face. 

Katsuki growled and stomped to my other side. "You damn showoff," he grunted, a tinge of pride mixed in with his annoyance. I smirked at him.

"You like that, don't you," I whispered up at him. Katsuki's lips turned to a grin, and he looked down at the long expanse before us.

"Make sure you stay still! There are no railings if you decide to slide sideways!" I warn and turn my back to the forest, a precarious stance.

I smiled and waved at the two boys next to me. "Hope you don't piss your pants."

And before Katsuki could curse me out, I fell over, shouts of alarms crying out. 

And slide headfirst down to the forest below.


I dodged just in time as an explosion ran past my head, blasting the last of the rocks into debris. I rolled to a standing position and breathed out, turning to glare at the smirking male covered in sweat. If only his shirt was off-

"You should have shouted a warning or something!" I shout at him, hands on my hips. The sun was still high in the sky, seeing as we made quick work of the monsters. It was easier since I destroyed one-third of them. 

"Yeah, yeah, you dodged didn't you!?"

"Only because of my fucking Quirk! I could have gotten my head blown off-"

"I wasn't going to hit you, dumbass! I can maneuver!"

"Then there was no need to hit right by my head-"

"Guys, stop shouting! We have an audience!" Kirishima broke in, stepping between Katsuki and I. I huffed as Katsuki tsked and looked to see the Wild Wild Pussycat, Aizawa, and a little kid.

"Well... You guys certainly did extremely better than what we expected!" Ragdoll exclaimed, her constantly wide eyes full of joy. My focus, however, honed in on the small kid, probably coming up to mid-thigh on me.

He looked pissed off. 


I zoned off as Mandalay began explaining what the purpose of the morning test was for, what the next three weeks would like. Instead, my eyes remained on the brunette standing near the barracks, red cap low on his face. The heavy frown and angry eyes, the slouched shoulders and hands stuffed into pockets.

He seemed too angry for a... five year old? He couldn't be older than six.  Somethings wrong with him. Too bad that I suck with kids.

I blinked back into the present as my classmates began to talk. Mandalay just explained who Kota was - that his Pro-Hero parents died to save civilians and that she, as his cousin, took him in. Don't take his anger so personally, for he shares that for all heroes - pro or soon-to-be. 

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