Deleted Scenes pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Fucking let him go, Mira." I grumbled but complied. With a little of a yank, causing Monoma to fall forward. Katsuki breathed out slowly and let go of me, pushing me away. I growled, but crossed my arms and stepped back.

Katsuki bent down and grabbed Monoma by the back of his collar and began dragging him. "This bitch needa learn his fucking lesson!"

I didn't complain or bother to stop him, as Katsuki left the cafeteria. The others were too shocked to do anything. So I bent down, picked up the tray, and walked back to the table as if nothing happened.

Though Mina was gaping at me. Kyoka had a smile on her lips. Kaminari began laughing, and Kirishima chuckled nervously.

"Is Bakugo going to kill him?" Kirishima asked.

"Hmm..." I did a little thinking. "No. Maybe bruise him up a bit, but nothing more."

"What happened?" Mina demanded.

"She beat that bitch's ass with three hits! That's what!" Kaminari laughed. Sero chuckled, shaking his head.

Kyoka sighed. "You're about to get into a shit-load of trouble, Mira."

I shrugged. "He got what he deserved," I said a bit harshly. I didn't bother sitting back down as lunch was about to end. Kyoka leaned in, chin on a propped up hand, giving me a deadpanned look.

"And you'll be getting another week of detention. As you were the only one who did physical harm."

I pursed my lips. It was surprisingly easy to do, despite the tension in my cheeks.

"What did he say!! Don't leave me out of it!!" Mina almost whined, leaning with both hands on the table as she stood up. I huffed.

"Ten dollars he insulted Todo-boy," Sero said, not trying to be quiet.

"Fifteen if Monoma just insulted her," Kaminari replied.

Kyoka snorted. "Twenty, and he totally insulted Bakugo."

""Twenty-five that he insulted Todo and Bakugo!" Mina added in.

Kirishima laughed. "It's not manly to bet, but..." He winked at me. "Fifty that Monoma insulted Bakugo and Kaza together."

"Shit, you're right!" Kaminari groaned. I rolled my eyes playfully, already feeling lighter just talking to them.

"Yeah, yeah, Kiri's right." Mina groaned and Kaminari frowned. "He started with me, but since I ignored him he went to Katsuki, and well... the rest you saw happened."

"I was half right, ya know," Kyoka tried but Kirishima held his hand out.

"You guys started it! It isn't manly to back out!" He waved his hand. "I'll be taking those fifty bills by the end of classes. Don't forget to pay up, or I'l get Bakugo on you all!"

I laughed at that as Kaminari quickly payed up front. Then the bell rung, and I stretched my arms over my head, swinging them down.

"Well, I'ma go clean the kitchen. And get another week's worth of detention." I saluted my friends. "See you all later."

Mina smiled and gave me a hug. "You can survive! I totally believe in you." I chuckled and walked towards the work entrance, that led to the huge kitchen.

"If I make it out with only a week of detention, I'll be happy."

"Oh - let's go check on Bakugo and Monoma. I hope he didn't kill the guy, annoying as he is," Kaminari popped. I nodded and walked away, the group leaving to go search for Katsuki.

Well, I'm positive Monoma is alive, just a bit bruised and burnt. Monoma might have had a lesser chance of survival if I told Katsuki what exactly was said, but it's fine. A little hazing isn't that bad.

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