And now here I was. Wearing the jeans Katsuki picked out for me and a red halter crop-top.

"First things first! Food!" Mina declared, stomping immediately in the direction of the food court. She wore a tight, pale-yellow tank-top and black leggings.

"Do malls serve good food?" Yaoyorozu asked. She wore a soft white summer dress with pink carnations lacing the hem.

Kyoka chuckled. "You've never had food at a mall?" She wore a lilac t-shirt and black jeans.

Yaoyorozu shook her head no.

Uraraka groaned. "Rich people things." She had on leggings that stopped at mid-calf and a pale yellow shirt with blue lilies decorating it, loose on her frame.

"I've had food court food," I said placidly, raising my hand as we followed after Mina.

"You aren't a normal billionaire, Mira," Tsu replied, doing a ribbit afterwards.

"You know, why don't you all call me Mira instead of just a few of you? It sounds better," I suggest. Mina was already gone from sight. 

"Already done," Kyoka stated. She smiled as I looked at her.

Uraraka grabbed my hand. "Can I!? Can I call you Mira!?"

I nodded. "That is what I am asking you to do."

Uraraka beamed up at me. "Call me Ochaco then, Mira!"

I gave her a twitch of my lips. "Alright. You are officially Ochaco in my mind." She pumped a fist.

"I will call you Mira, and you will call me Momo," Yaoyorozu spoke next.

I nodded. "Momo, I really like your dress. It compliments your figure." Momo smiled widely.

"And I admire your will to wear whatever you like," she replied.

"Is that a good thing?" I ask sincerely.

"For you, yes. For people who like seeing extra skin ahem - Mineta - ahem, yes. For people who hate skin ahem - Ida - ahem, no." We laughed at Kyoka's badly done 'coughs'. 

Then I pointed out Momo's hero costume, and they replied that 'I wasn't far off from that either'. Which was true.

We caught up to Mina, who was in line at a famous sandwich brand. After a round of rock, paper and scissors, it was decided that Momo would buy the lunch.

Mina and Ochaco did not hold back. A full sandwich, two bags of chips, and the largest cup size of cola they had. I got a full turkey sandwich and some cola as well. Kyoka got half a sandwich, chips and water. Tsu got a full-vegetarian sandwich and water, and Momo got a half sandwich, some cheesy chips, and a full sprite.

We sat in a booth and enjoyed our meals. Mina, Ochaco an I on one side, Momo, Tsu and Kyoka on the other.

As we ate, they told me stories of their internships. Ochaco and Kyoka about the training they did, the fighting for Ochaco and the stamina for Kyoka. Mina explained her practice with stopping small-time villains, and Momo about the modeling gigs she got. The one that got everyone's attention was Tsu. The attack with Selkie when she was out in the water, and how everything was handled.

It was so calming. Just the girls, stories and giggles and lightheartedness. I truly enjoyed hearing what they did. It made my week feel better. Though, no matter how hard I tried to listen under complete attention, my mind somehow always drifted to Katsuki.

Seeing his eyes after waking up from that memory. Wanting more than just the bites on my neck, more than clothes between us. To hear his voice and talk to him. To taste him-

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα