40: •̩̩͙•̩̩͙𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘮•̩̩͙•̩̩͙

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"Long time no see, Charleston."

I looked up front and saw him tied up against the wall with only a few chains holding him up with their screws drilled into his skin.

"F-fu-ck y-o-ou"

I tsked and went closer to him picking up the drill back.

I turned to him and saw his eyes widened with seeing my favorite torture device in my hand.

"Can't even speak shit right, you're all botched up." I went closer to him and looked him directly in the eyes.

"Patético." (Pathetic)

"What are you here for? J-just kill me already....please"

"Your pleads mean shit to me. But....I can grant your wish."

His head snapped up and he looked at me.

I motioned Santino to come over to where I was standing and he did.

"Dile todo lo que necesita saber sobre su libertad." (Tell him everything he needs to know about his freedom.)

I chuckled when I saw Santino nodding and left the room but not before looking at the disheveled hunged up dog on the wall.

Alejandro, you filthy rat, you won't know what hit you.


"He's off, boss. What's the plan now?"

"Now.....we wait."

Santino nodded and left my office room making me slump back and spin my chair to the beautiful view of the skyscraper from my office window.

I let him. Charleston leave. Why?

Hmm. Maybe cause Iam a filthy motherfucker who knows how to get business well done.

I felt my pant pocket, taking out the lighter that had been in my pocket. Opening and closing it's lid.

A smirk made it's way to my face when I turned my head to look at the screen which showed a green dot running around the streets just wanting to get to his destination.

His destination. Alejandro.

"You're letting him go?!"

"Ofcourse not"

"But- you just-"

"Levi, Levi. What have I told you? This is a business, a mafia, all it for me. And I know what Iam doing. Trust your boss, would you?"

"I-I do! But Iam confused. You let- Charleston- the Charleston. THE one whom we made up a whole ass plan to capture, free?!"

I sighed and plopped down on the club couch, swirling my drink around in the glass and chugging it down, slamming the glass back on the table.

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