Chapter 93

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My eyes kept shifting over to Nari, who was currently elbow deep in flirting with an uncomfortable looking Namjoon. He gave her a forced smile and fake laugh as she was trying to tell him a story about God knows what.

"Love, you need to chill. I sense the tension off you" Jungkook said as I had stopped what I was doing, which was fixing his shirt. I shook my head. "She's getting on my nerves Kookie." He chuckled. "I can tell. The guys can take care of themselves. I mean, the only single one she's after is Hoseok but he's repulsed by her."

I burst out laughing, earning looks from everyone in the room. "Just, keep doing what you're doing" I said with a wave of my hand and a tear slipping down my cheek. Kook laughed and patted my shoulder.

While I was setting up for Hoseok, I saw Namjoon leaving Naris chair followed by Yoongi replacing him. Yoongi looked unbothered and as if he'd rather be anywhere else.

"Hobi Hobi Hobi" I chanted as said man stood in front of me. He smiled. "Angie Angie Angie. What fine clothing do you have for me today?" He asked. I smirked, turning to my clothes rack. "Just this" I said.

"I love it!" He replied, clapping his hands like an otter. I chuckled. "It's definitely you" I added.

Hobi looked around at the rest of the guys who were already dressed. "Bet it's hard for you to focus when Jin hyung and Yoongi Hyung look hot" he randomly said. I stopped doing what I was doing to look him in the eyes. "Very. I mean, just look at them."

Hobi laughed. "I had to send Angel a picture of Namjoon. She said she was drooling." I chuckled. "Hey, even I admit my brother-in-law is looking nice today. He's very handsome."

I looked around. "Actually, yall are very handsome today."

Hobi giggled. "Well, Kisa and yourself sure know how to dress us." "That we do babe."


I stood off to the side with the other staff members as the guys worked their magic in looking hella hot for the camera. First they did group shots. Followed by individual shots.

When it was Jimins turn, he made sure to wink and flirt with Kisa, whom was standing next to me. She was so flustered by the end of his shoot that it made me chuckle.

Jin pulled the same thing when it was his turn. He kept winking at me and blowing me kisses. All I did was laugh and roll my eyes.

Once Yoongis turn came up, he took the role very seriously. Giving the camera intense stares.

From the corner of my eye I could see Nari just eyeing him down. I ticked my head, trying to ignore it. Kisa must have sensed something since she leaned in. "Everything ok Unnie?" I forced a smile and nodded. "I'm fine little one."

Nari leaned in close to one of the staff members. "That Min Yoongi. What I wouldn't give to feel his tongue technology. And don't even get me started on Namjoon and Hoseok." She even bit her lip and growled. I 'coughed' so as to interrupt the thirsty bitch. She turned to look at me with a scowl on her face.

Yoongi finished up his shoot but not before winking at me first. He jogged away to allow the last guy, Jungkook, to complete his photoshoot. "Guess we should go back so we can gather the clothes" Kisa whispered. I nodded my head. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Nari was gone. Ignoring the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach I continued to follow Kisa.

We were talking amongst our selves as we headed to the dressing room. The halls lucky were empty since almost all the staff was busy breaking down sets.

As the two of us passed by a closed door, I could hear Naris annoying voice. I just ignored it as we kept moving along.

Finally we reached the dressing rooms where all the guys were waiting. All except Jungkook whom was still shooting. And someone else was not accounted for.

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