Chapter 78

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Today Jin and I were going to visit his family. His Eomma desperately wanted to see her grandbaby.

"Look at you my handsome little man" I said, picking up a freshly changed Min-Jun. He was wearing a onesie that had a printed bow tie on it. I set him in his car seat as Jin was getting Min-Juns diaper bag ready.

"Ok I think we got everything" Jin said, bag on his shoulder and grabbing the car keys. "I'm going next door. Angel and I are going to plan Joons birthday party" Yoongi said. I nodded, kissing him. "Don't have too much fun." He chuckled. "I promise not to."


When we arrived at Jins family house, I was happy to get out and stretch. I unbuckled the baby after I climbed out and followed Jin to the front door. Within two knocks the door opened up. "Hey baby brother! My sister-in-law! And who's this?" Seok-joong askedd, holding out his arms for Min-Jun. "This is Min-Jun" I replied, gently handing the baby over to his uncle. Seok-joong happy held the baby close as he led us into the house.

"Eomma! Appa!" Jin exclaimed, setting the diaper bag down on a chair and hugging his parents. "Hello dear" his Eomma said, pulling me in for a hug. Seok-joong held up Min-Jun. "Oh my baby!" Eomma said, immediately holding out her arms. Seok-joong placed the baby in his mothers arms, who sat on the couch cradling the baby. Her husband sat next to her, rubbing my baby's cheek.

"He's definitely a Kim" his appa said proudly. Jin had taken a seat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. His mom looked up, beaming at us. "I'm so proud of you two. He is the most beautiful baby I have ever laid my eyes on other than my own children. I'm so proud he is my grandchild."

"I think he's going to have wide shoulders like this one here" I said, pointing to Jin. Everyone chuckled. "He definitely will have the Kim shoulders" his father replied with a chuckle.

Jins father held out his arms to hold the baby after he felt like his wife had enough time with him. The whole time Min-Jun was looking up at them with semi wide eyes.

"Was the delivery hard?" Seok-joong asked. I shook my head. "Not really. Other than it taking two hours and I felt like my soul was leaving my body. Also he didn't rip me which is a miracle since he weighed in at a little over eleven pounds."

"You chunky little monkey" Seok-joong responded, tickling Min-Juns feet. "This one was a big baby too" their mom said, pointing to Seok-joong whom just chuckled.

We spent some more time talking and letting them hold the baby until Min-Jun started fussing. Jins dad handed him over to me. I took out my infinity nursing scarf, bundling Min-Jun up in it so he can feed.

(AN: I'm a HUGE advocate for public breastfeeding. If you aren't then I'm sorry for the above post. I just believe that a baby should be able to eat no matter where they are and we need to stop sexualizing women trying to simply feed their children.)

"Would you two like to stay for lunch?" Jins mom asked. Jin looked down at his watch. "We'd love to but we are supposed to stop bye the guy's house. We haven't seen much of them since we moved out. And Tae tells me he needs his baby time."

His mother nodded. "That boy and his love for children. He needs some of his own." That made me laugh. She wasn't wrong."

Once Min-Jun was done eating and had a freshly changed diaper, we decided to head out. "Please bring him back again soon" his father said. I nodded. "Of course we will." They all took turns kissing his head and rubbing his little cheek.


Once we got back to the house, we headed over to where the guys are. Jin was carrying the diaper bag as I was carrying Min-Jun in his car seat. Jin didn't even bother knocking, he just walked right in. Everyone was downstairs in the living room watching a movie. When they saw us Tae leapt to his feet. "My baby!" He said. I chuckled, putting the car seat on the table and unbuckled the baby. As soon as I pulled him out, Tae gently took him and returned to the couch.

"Hey baby c'mere" Yoongi said, holding out his arm to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. Jin took a seat next to us.

I watched as Tae gently rocked Min-Jun, singing ever so softly to him. Jimin and Jungkook knelt next to Tae, joining in on the singing. Within minutes my baby fell fast asleep. I looked at the three of them with wide eyes. "I'm hiring the three of you to sing him to sleep more often." Tae beamed. "I'll be over anytime you need me."

Tae continued to hold the sleeping baby as the rest of us talked. "I ordered up some pizzas. You two want some?" Namjoon asked. Jin patted his belly. "Hell yeah! I'm starving!" I laughed, leaning back into Yoongi who welcomed me with open arms.

"So how is life in the new apartment?" I heard Jiwoo asking Jin. I didn't hear his response as my eyes fluttered shut and I fell asleep.

I woke up when I felt someone gently rubbing my arm. "Hmm?" I mumbled, opening my eyes. "You fell asleep" Yoongi said. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Everyone except Yoongi, Jin and I were gone. "Wheres my baby?" I asked. Jin patted my shoulder. "Hes with Tae baby. They're all eating. C'mon, let's go eat."

The three of us walked into the dining room. Sure enough, Min-Jun was still sleeping in Taes arms. Jiwoo kept taking pictures of them, cooing at her boyfriend holding the baby. The three of us took a seat, Hoseok making sure to hand us plates of pizza. I noticed Namjoon had his head down, typing away on his phone.

He looked up, smiling at Jin and I. "Bang PD wants you to announce the birth of your son via Twitter with a photo."

I looked to Jin then Namjoon. "But what about people seeing Min-Jun? Won't some people, saesangs for example, try to hurt him?"

"I could take a picture of his little feetsies. That way it's only his feet showing" Jin said. I sighed. "That will work. No one will see him and he will be safe" Dakota said. I nodded. I guess if the company wants it, he has to do it.

Jin rubbed my back. "It'll be ok. No one will hurt him" Jin whispered. I nodded. "Ok. I trust y'all."

After eating a late lunch, Jin and I decided to go back to our apartment. Namjoon tagged along so he could take the photo and post it to the bands offical Twitter. What I wasn't expecting was to see a giant blue teddy bear and vase of blue and white flowers on our doorstep. Jin picked both up and read the note.

"Its from Bang PD. He congratulated us and said the teddy is for Min-Jun and the flowers are for you" he said, smiling at me. "That's so sweet" I replied. He unlocked the house, carrying both things in as I carried Min-Jun in.

"Let's use the teddy" Namjoon suggested as Jin set the vase of flowers down on the kitchen island. "Good idea." We bought Min-Jun up to our room, Jin taking him and gently laying him on the bed. I watched as him and Namjoon took a few photos. Together they picked one, were speaking in hushed Korean, then smiled.

"Look at your notifications" Jin said. Confused, I pulled out my phone to see that BTS, well obviously Namjoon, posted on Twitter.

The picture was my baby's feet nestled next to the blue teddy bear legs. The translated caption said 'Welcome to the world my little Kim Min-Jun 🥰😍💜-Appa Kim Seokjin.'

I wrapped my arms around Jin. "I love you so much" I said, standing on my tip toes to kiss him. "I love you too" he replied.






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