Chapter 79

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"Are you ready for Uncle Namjoons birthday party?" I cood to my baby. He just looked up at me with big brown eyes. "Hes got my handsome features" Jin said, coming up behind me and back hugging me to admire our son. I had just changed him into a cute koala outfit for Namjoons birthday.

Jins phone tinged, indicating a text. "Good. Yoongi got Namjoon out of the house for a couple hours. Let's head over and help decorate."

I nodded, this time carrying the diaper bag as Jin held Min-Jun. I took a look down at my outfit, feeling slightly ashamed that I could still only wear very loose joggers. Seeing as its only been eleven days since giving birth, my body was still hurting. "Babe don't worry about your clothes. You performed a miracle, no one will hold that against you" Jin said, lifting my chin up with his free hand. I nodded. "I guess you're right."

We walked next door to the house to see Dakota and Kisa hanging up the the decorations. "Hey you two" Jin said. They both looked over and immediately stopped what they were doing. "Min-Jun!" Dakota whispered, taking the baby from Jins arms. "If you wanna hold him you can. I can help Kisa" Jin said. Dakotas eyes lit up. "Really?" Jin nodded. Dakota took a seat on the couch as I disappeared into the kitchen.

Angel and Jiwoo were getting the food platters ready. "Hey you!" Jiwoo said, hugging me. "Hey. Need help with anything?" I asked. Angel smirked. "Well, Hoseok is outside with the Maknaes setting up. The plan is to have a bbq and eat outside. If you wanna go help them I'd appreciate it since I can guarantee they've been horsing around."

I burst out laughing. "I feel like I have more than one kid." Angel nodded. "No kidding."

Walking out the slider door from the kitchen, I see that some tables were set up. But that was it.

Jungkook and Tae were wrestling as Jimin and Hoseok were fighting over what table cloths to use. "Black, pink, and purple. Those are his favorite colors" I said outloud.

All four men stopped fighting and looked up at me. "Namjoons favorite colors are black, purple, and pink. Let's get the tables decorated accordingly and add the bonsai centerpieces."

Luckily they listened to me and within fifteen minutes all the tables were set and decorated. Jungkook and Tae blew up some balloons, sticking them on the centerpieces and anywhere they thought it'd look good.

Dakota came walking out carrying Min-Jun. "Look at your uncles being crazy little Min-Jun."

I giggled as the three youngest surrounded my niece and baby. "Its cute isn't it?" I looked over to see Hoseok wrapping an arm around my waist. I rested my head on Hoseoks shoulder. "We all love little Min-Jun. The guys always talk about him when you aren't here." "Really?" I replied. Hoseok nodded. "I'm glad you two live right next door so we can come over whenever we want."

We continued watching the young ones playing with my baby. "I can't wait until hes older and walking around so we can play more with him" Hoseok said. I laughed. "Until then, let's enjoy him being a baby."


Yoongi texted saying they'd be here in ten minutes. "Hide everyone!" Kisa yelled. "And this time no one go into labor!" Jungkook yelled out, making me burst into laughter.

Jin and I were crouched down on the staircase holding Min-Jun. Jin was whisper singing to him to keep him calm.

Soon enough the door opened up. I could hear Namjoon asking if someone forgot to pay the light bill.

"SURPRISE!" we all yelled. Namjoon smirked, wrapping his arms around his wife. "And look at my little nephew wearing a party hat!" Namjoon cood, lightly pinching Min-Juns chubby cheeks.

"Let's go eat I'm starving!" Jungkook yelled. "Yes please!" Jiwoo added.

I sat feeding the baby at a table as Jin grabbed plates for the two of us. "Here you go my love" Jin said, setting the plate in front of me. He filled it with veggies and dip, chips, finger sandwiches, and pickles. "Thanks babe" I replied. Yoongi walked over and took a seat next to me. "Hey kitten I missed you" He said, leaning over and kissing me. "Hey. What did you two do today?" I asked. "Well since its Namjoons birthday, I told him wherever we went he could buy what he wanted on me. He ended up buying plants to decorate the baby nursery and getting some Ryan collectables."

Jin laughed. "Go figure." Once the baby was done eating, I was surprised when Yoongi asked to hold him. I handed him over as Yoongi held the baby close to him. "Maybe the next baby will be yours" Jin said. Yoongi gave him a gummy smile. "I hope so."


After everyone ate and had a cake, which had a fondant bonsai for the center and a waterfall next to it, Namjoon opened up his presents. Yoongi was still holding onto Min-Jun.

"Thanks Tae for the plum tree" Namjoon said, happily setting the tree down. Jungkook bought him a case of candy. Dakota bought him a new bicycle. Jimin and Kisa got him some books he asked for. Angel bought him a ring. Hoseok gifted him a painting set. And Jin and I got him decorations for his garden.

When the party ended, Yoongi tagged along with us to go home. He was still carrying Min-Jun, asking if he could change him and tuck him into bed. "Sure. Have Jin help you as I take a bath."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I filled up a hot bath tub with bubbles and slipped in. I closed my eyes, relaxing into the water.

At some point while I was relaxing, I failed to here the door open. There was a shift in water which made me open my eyes. Jin was smiling, sliding down in the tub across from me.

"We actually get a break. I love Min-Jun but this is our first time being alone." I smiled, grabbing a handful of bubbles and blowing it at Jin. He chuckled, taking the bubbles and blowing it at me too.

After our little bubble fight, Jin began washing my hair. Then he began washing my back. "That feels good" I sighed. Jin rested his head on mine. "You know, I'd be ok with you having a baby with Yoongi."

I moved to the side to look up at him. "Excuse me?" Jin nodded. "Yoongi and I talked while I watched him taking care of Min-Jun. Hes a natural and I can tell he wants a baby."

I chuckled. "I need to heal from this one first." Jin laughed. "We know that baby. It won't be for like a year or two. Maybe longer." Nodding my headi returned to cuddling into Jins chest.

When we finished up with our bath, Jin and I put our robes on and headed down to the living room. Yoongi was sitting on the couch, feet up on the table and wearing only his boxers. A glass of wine was sitting next to him. "Min-Jun is fast asleep" he said as I sat next to him with Jin on the other side of me. Yoongi pulled my legs so they were resting on his lap, massaging them. "Thanks bro. Thanks for helping us" Jin said. Yoongi smiled. "Of course. You three are stuck with me for life."

Reaching up and caressing Yoongis face, I smiled. "We aren't stuck with you. We are blessed to have you." Yoongi held my hand, kissing my knuckles.



Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi

Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi

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