Chapter 84

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Jins birthday came before we knew it. He spent the day with Min-Jun and I, snuggled up in our bed watching movies and eating. Only later on in the evening did we eat cake with all the guys.

The guys had practice every night for the upcoming MAMA awards and christmas special.

While Kisa and Dakota were working, Jiwoo and I would stay and watch Angel. She'd be giving birth any day now. Namjoon hated leaving her home alone.


Namjoons POV:

I panted, hands on my knees as I tried catching my breath. Rehearsals were getting more intense considering the two shows we had coming up. With hands on my knees still I slid down the wall until I was in a sitting position on the floor.

Tae walks up to me, smiling and handing me a water bottle before sitting next to me.

"Why do we get such long slots at these award shows?" The younger asked me. I chuckled. "Ratings maybe? I'm not sure."

Looking around the room I saw the other guys sitting and chugging water, deep in conversation. Tae stayed silent but started humming to himself.

The silence was broken by the sound of someone's phone ringing. It took me a second to realize it was my phone. Fishing it out of my pocket, I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.


"Namjoon Angel's water broke. She is in labor. Get to Seoul National University Hospital as soon as you can."

My face dropped as Ang hung up her line.

"Hyung?" Tae asked.

By now all the guys were looking at me. "Namjoon? What's wrong?" Yoongi asked.

"My daughter is coming."

Tae squealed. "We gotta go!" Jimin yelled. "Second baby Kim coming" Jungkook exclaimed. "I'll get the girls!" Hobi yelled, taking off.

A hand on my shoulder made me snap out of my trance. "Let's go. From one father to another, I'll help you. The guys can take a car after" Jin said. I nodded, realization hitting.

I ran, grabbed my bag as Jin immediately called for a driver. "We are coming soon!" Yoongi yelled out as Jin and I ran to the elevators. When they didn't come fast enough, I ended up bounded down the staircase. Employees hastily moved out of our way as we ran at full speed, my bad slamming into my side as I did so. Jin would yell out the occasional 'sorry' and 'emergency' as we passed by.

Our car was already waiting for us at the front entrance. The two of us jumped in, yelling out the hospital name. The driver nodded and sped off.

Once we got to the hospital, the two of us were ushered in a secret entrance. A nurse was already waiting to bring us up to the birthing unit.

My heart and mind was racing. My little girl would be here soon. A smile made it's way on my face.

"I know the feeling. Realizing your baby will be in this world soon. I felt the same with Min-Jun. Trust me when I say this will be the happiest moment of your life" Jin said, patting my shoulder.

At the birthing ward, Jiwoo was sitting in the waiting room with Min-Jun. "This is where I leave you buddy. Good luck and I'll see her soon." Jin hugged me before walking over to hold his son. "Right this way" the nurse said.

We stood outside of a room where I had to put on a gown and gloves. Then I was led inside.

There, on the bed, was my wife squeezing my sister-in-law's hand and cursing. "Shes 5cm dilated. Only five more to go before we start the birthing process" the nurse informed me. I thanked her as she bowed and left.

Ang looked over at me, smiling. "Hey Joon. Just in time."

I smiled at her, nodding before taking my wife's other side.

"Hey baby. How are you?"

She growled at me. "I hate you. I know it was fun making this baby but I hate you right now."

Ang chuckled as I held Angel's hand. Ignoring her words I grabbed the wet wash cloth and dabbed at her forehead.

"Itll be over soon baby."


The nurse informed us the rest of the guys had shown up a half hour after Jin and I got here. Since there was so many of them, the hospital decided to place them into a conference room.

Two hours later and Angel was fully dilated now. The doctor put on a gown and gloves, taking a seat at the foot of the bed. "Ok. Time to push the baby is crowning."

Angel screamed, squeezing my hand and Angs. She pushed with all her might.

She took a break for a second.

Then the process repeated itself. She screamed as she squeezed our hands and pushed hard.

Then after the third push, I heard a baby crying. My eyes grew wide as I watched them carrying my daughter away to clean her up.

"Congratulations Mrs. Kim. A healthy baby girl."

I pressed my forehead on my wife's, kissing her as we both cried. "You did great" I said.

The nurses fully cleaned up the baby then placed her on Angel's chest. "Ok Mrs. Kim. You're both cleaned up and we will get your family if youd like once we move you to a room." "Yes please" I said.

The doctor and nurses left. Ang smiled down at us and took a picture. We got wheeled into a hospital room not long after. Within ten minutes the doors opened up.

"Oh my god. Look at her" Tae cood. Jin stood over by Ang, holding Min-Jun and beaming at us. "Shes beautiful. Nice job you two."

Dakota ran to be next to her aunt. "San says congratulations." Angel smirked at her. "Tell your boyfriend I said thank you." Dakotas cheeks flushed. "Friend. We are just friends."

I chuckled, caressing my daughters hair.

"So. Are you going to tell us your little beauties name?" Jungkook asked. I looked around at all the smiling faces, waiting patiently.

"Say hello to our little Kim Hae-Won."

"Beautiful garden. I love it!" Jimin said.


Angel and Hae-won only had to stay in the hospital for two days. She was happy to be going home.

And truthfully I was too. I wanted to shower and sleep in my own place.

Jin and Hobi came to pick us up from the hospital. I situated Hae-Won in her little car seat, helped my wife in, then got on the other side.

The car ride was a comfortable quite. Which was great considering Hae-Won was fast asleep.

Once we arrived at the house, Jin grabbed the delivery bag as Hoseok helped Angel out. I unbuckled little Hae-Won and carried her in.

As we walked in the dorm, we were greeted by pink balloons and a pink banner saying 'welcome home'.

"You guys are awesome" I said, smiling. Hoseok led Angel to the couch, sitting her down. Jin walks over, standing next to me with Min-Jun in his arms. "Look my boy. Your cousin."

I smiled down at both babies, not ignoring the fact almost everyone in the room was taking a picture of me and my brother holding our babies.



Working two jobs is taking so much of my energy. I don't get inspired to write then BAM it comes out all at once.

Hope yall love Hae-Won like you do Min-Jun!


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