Chapter 44

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The sunlight filter through my eyelids. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and slowly opening them.

"Hey baby."

Jin was smiling down at me, my head rested on his chest while he was rubbing my back.

"How are you feeling?"

Pretty much immediately my stomach started hurting. I groaned, clutching my stomach and sitting up. Jin sighed, rubbing my back. "Babe, if it doesn't get better by tomorrow maybe you should see the doctor."

I shook my head. "No no no. I'll be ok. Let me go take a shower to freshen up and I'm sure I'll be ok." Jin nodded, getting up and grabbing a pair of clothes for him and I.

We took a relaxing bath together, me getting out once to puke yet again. Jin helped dry me off, dress me up, then helped me downstairs to the kitchen.

Angel and Namjoon were sitting in the living room, drinking tea and going over some catering ideas. They looked up when they saw us walk in. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Namjoon asked. Jin nodded his head as he saw me down in the chair. "Are you still throwing up?" Angel asked. I nodded my head.

She got up and kissed Namjoon. "I'll be back babe." He waved to her as she disappeared out the door. Jin headed into the kitchen, leaving Namjoon and I alone.

"I hope whatever you have going on resolves itself soon. PoorJin hyung is so worried and I cant imagine what you're going through."

I weakly smiled at him. "Thank you. Hes been helping so much."

Jin returned a few minutes later with some Gatorade and soup, setting up a table in front of me and setting the food on it. I scrunched up my face, looking at the food then looking at Jin.

"I know baby. I know you dont want to eat but I need you to. Even if you throw it back up at least you're throwing up food and not just stomach acid."

I groaned, knowing he was correct. So reluctantly I started eating the soup. It wasn't like I hate Jins cooking, in fact its quite the opposite. It's just the fact I wasn't sure if I could keep it down.

I only ate a quarter of the soup. But Jin was still happy about it.


After managing to keep the soup down, I decided to stay in the living room with Jin and Namjoon. Namjoon said that almost everyone else had went out for the day since we had today off.

I felt bad that Jin stayed home with me. I told him he could go out but each time he shook his head saying 'no, I'm lazy. I want to stay.'

The three of us watched a movie together, while my mind wandered to thoughts of where Angel disappeared to. She still hasn't come back yet. But maybe she was doing something for her wedding.

I was also disappointed that I was still feeling ill. My plan was to go birthday shopping for Jin since his birthday is in two days. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and go tomorrow no matter what.

When the movie ended, I decided to go take a nap. Even though the vomiting seemed like it has subsided, I still didn't trust it.

"Hey babe where you going?" Jin asked. "Just to take a nap. I'll set an alarm so I'm not sleeping too long."

He nodded his head, kissing me. I waved to Namjoon before heading upstairs.


Jins POV:

Namjoon and I were watching another movie, but I couldn't pay attention to it. My mind kept drifting to my sick wife.

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