Chapter 68

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Life went on like normal after the whole 'Dakotas soulmate is San' bombshell. She had to see Soobin at Bighit but they were cordial towards each other. She still didn't want to meet San, and none of us forced her. She said if it's meant to be fate will find it's way.

I'm now in my seventh month of pregnancy and getting bigger than ever. Tae is absolutely loving it, taking every chance he can to sing to my belly. Jin makes it a point to sing to my belly every night at bedtime.

Jin has been busy with Namjoon and Angel's gender reveal party. Hes been so secret about it that not even I knew what he was planning. He keeps all the party supplies in our apartment. Of course hes the only one that knows the gender.

Today was the gender reveal party and Jin kicked everyone out of the house. And I mean everyone. I honestly don't know how hes going to do it all on his own. The only thing he said was we needed to be back by five.

Namjoon and Angel went off on their own with Namjoons parents, wanting to spend time with them. Kisa, Jiwoo, Dakota, Hoseok, Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook all went to an arcade. That left Yoongi and I.

Yoongi threw me a grin. "Well well. Want to spend the day with me kitten?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're too much. But yes we can spend the day together. Oh and one more thing. Call me kitten one more time and I'll cut your tongue out." Yoongi just laughed as he held open his car door.


Surprisingly I had a great time with Yoongi. We stopped to get shakes and pastries first. After that we went to a music store. It was cute seeing how happy he was while playing the piano there. He browsed around until he found what he was looking for. "This. The crowned jewel" he said. I looked to where he was pointing. A pure black Johnny Cash limited edition guitar.

"Oh my god it's beautiful. I love Johnny Cash" I replied. Yoongi smiled, nodding his head. "He is great. I want to start learning guitar."

While Yoongi talked with the sales associate to purchase the guitar, I wandered around. Stopping at the cds, I rifled through them.

Obviously there was a ton of Korean artists. But there was a section of western artists. With excitement I looked through the rock section. "Oh my god" I gasped, holding up the box.

"What's that?"

I look up to see Yoongi. He was carrying the guitar case on his back. I excitedly showed him the box. "This is the collector's edition box I've been looking for. It's my favorite band, Avenged Sevenfold. That's what that skull with bat wings tattoo  I have is for; it's their logo."

"Oh. You should totally get that then."

I gently held the box. "I will. I am getting this precious item." Yoongi laughed as I paid for the box.

When we sat back in the car Yoongi looked at me. "Ok so play some of that Avenged Sevenfold so I know what the hype is."

I squealed, connecting to bluetooth and starting up my list. The first song that played is my absolute favorite and the sole song that got me hooked on this band. 'Unholy Confessions.'

When the song was over Yoongi looked over at me. "Ok that was weird. Got any other ones?" I smirked, picking another favorite.

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