Chapter 15

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Jin knew something was wrong with me the following day. I stayed silent and never left Jungkooks room, only to go to the bathroom. Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook took turns staying with me throughout the day. But Jin never tried once to see what was wrong. Could I really blame him though? Not really.

I was sitting on Jungkooks bed, all alone while the guys were busy getting food. There was a knock on the door, which I thought was weird but didn't say anything. Another knock and then the door opened, revealing Yoongi. He came in and lightly shut the door. "Hey. You ok? No one has seen you at all today."

I absentmindedly played with the strings on the hoodie Jungkook let me borrow. Yoongi sighed. I felt the bed dip down as he took a seat next to me.

He placed his hand gently on my back, rubbing it in soothing circles. "Its ok. Jungkook told me everything. Let it all out." I let my head rest on his shoulder as I cried again while he continued to rub soothing circles on my back.

I never imagined Jinyoung would have this effect on me. Was this because I could never freely love anyone else? Did I truly regret not moving forward with Jinyoung? Or was it because I felt that I wanted Jin to treat me how Jinyoung did?

Yoongi listened intently as I spilled this all out to him. He hummed every now and then while thinking it over. Once I finished, Yoongi cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Anything I say right now, you have to swear to not get mad at, got it?" I nodded my head.

"To me, it seems like you were in love with the idea of someone loving you. You've never really had any relationships and the one you did was pretty horrible. So naturally when someone acting like Prince Charming comes alone you are gonna fall hard and fast.

Jin is the type to take things slow. He has personally told me he likes you a lot and not just for the bonding. It just terrifies him because for one he has never been in a relationship before and for two you are his opposite, not like that's a bad thing.

I can also safely assume that the only ones who know about your past is your sister and myself. At some point you may want to talk to Jin about it though. He is your soulmate after all.

And this is why you are scared. You're scared to let people in. But let me tell you, you have people who care for you. You're our family now. That is something that is never going to change. So for the sake of keeping this together and not just for you and Jin, but you two really should talk things through."

I hugged him close. "Thank you Yoongi." As he was hugging me I hadn't seen the door open and close. Someone cleared their throat, catching my attention. I looked up while still clutching onto Yoongi to see Jin standing there, looking awkward.

"I uhmm, I overheard all you've said. I'm sorry that you couldn't be with Jinyoung. But I'm even more sorry that I haven't been the man you need me to be. Yoongi is right. We are soulmates. Neither of us have asked for that. But we need to work together to make our bond stronger. Even if that means you will never love me as your lover but just a friend. Yoongi is also correct about another thing. I do like you. A lot. As more than a friend. And while it's clear to me you had feelings for someone else, I accept that. Somehow, though, I'd like for us to move on" Jin said.

I nodded my head. "Let him come here and hold you ok? You two need it" Yoongi whispered in my ear. I nodded as Yoongi shifted me over to Jins lap. Yoongi patted my head, whispered that if I needed him to text him, then left quickly.

Without any hesitation, Jin began by pulling my head into his chest and rubbing soothing circles on my back, all while humming 'Ephiany'.

We stayed like this for I don't even know how long before Jin spoke up. "Hey sweetie, let's say we move out of Kooks room, yeah?"

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