Chapter 50

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A few days after New Years, Jin and I had an appointment with a prenatal doctor. The baby was growing perfectly. She suspected our due date would be around the first week or two of September. Naturally there was bets going on as to if the baby would be born on or close to Jungkooks birthday or Namjoons. The gender would be revealed in two months.

Bang PD had talked to Jin and I about revealing the pregnancy to ARMY. We were to absolutely not disclose any info until then. He was still deciding if he wanted to reveal the news on Vlive or in concert when the guys started touring again.

Seeing that there was an upcoming tour later this year, Bang PD had Hara and I start thinking of new outfits to sew for the guys. Although we had no clue what new songs they were working on, he gave us clues as to what kind of vibes we needed to pull off.

Hara was acting stranger than usual at work. And when I say strange, I mean she had this evil smirk on her face the whole shift.

Figuring it best to ignore her, I continued on with my day and paid her no attention.

She had left work before me. Not that I was complaining, I didn't want to spend any more time with her than neccessary.

I finished up at six, packing away everything and heading to the elevators.

While waiting for the elevator to reach my floor, a few other workers joined in on the wait too.

"Evening Ji. Mia. How are you ladies?" I asked with a smile. They worked in the set department. I'm not friends with them but they're typically friendly.

"Fine" Mia said with a straight face. Ji just turned her head away from me.

Figuring they had a bad day, I chose to not acknowledge them further.

When the elevator reached our floor, they walked in first. Before I had a chance to walk in, they immediately shut the doors on me right in my face. "What the actual fuck?" I murmured out loud. "Who shit in their wheaties this morning?" I grumbled to myself.

So here I was, left waiting again for the elevator to come back up.

When I did I scurried on quickly to not miss it again. As it reached the third floor, the elevator stopped and dinged open. I pushed further back to allow Chang-Woo and Ki-Wi of the tech department in.

Both men stopped talking when they saw me. I tried giving them a friendly smile but instead of returning one they looked at me with utter disgust and turned their backs to me.

Has someone shit in everyones wheaties?

Once at the level floor they hurried out as fast as they could. I rolled my eyes and continued walking to the parking lot.

Glancing around I didn't see any of the guys. Which shocked me since one of them always picked me up. Assuming something came up, I shrugged it off and started to head to the bus stop.

As I was walking to it, a black car slowed up and stopped next to me. Not trusting no motherfucker, I tucked my keys between my knuckles ready for a fight.

"Ang" came a masculine voice. I looked up to see Hyungwon and Shownu.

"Hey guys. I don't think it'd be good of Starship artists being spotted in BigHits parking lot" I said chuckling. Hyungwon gave me a weak smile.

"Hey Ang. We were sent to fetch you" Shownu said. "Oh ok. Are the guys busy?" I asked. The two men exchanged looks. "Something like that" Hyungwon replied.

I just shrugged my shoulders and climbed into the car.


The car ride was weirdly quiet and akward. The two men would converse in Korean so I couldn't understand them.

As my eyes focused outside, I realized I wasn't anywhere near where I lived.

Panic setting in and praying that my friends weren't kidnappers, I spoke up. "Umm, Hyungwon. Where are we going?"

He turned around in his seat and smiled at me. "We are taking you to the Monsta X dorm. We have something to talk about."

Nothing further was said.

After a 45 minute car ride, we pulled into a two story house. Shownu put the car in park and all of us exited the vehicle.

Hyungwon smiled reassuringly at me, holding out his arm for me to take. I smiled back and gently took his arm.

The rest of the guys were sitting in the living room when we walked in. Jooheon was on the phone,but quickly said something in his native tongue then hung up. They all turned and smiled at me. "Hey guys. Wow, this is the first time I've been here" I said. "Not as big as the BTS dorm but we still love it" Minhyuk said. "I think it's cute and cozy" I replied.

While glancing around I failed to see the nervous looks all the guys were exchanging.

"Ang, would you like something to drink?" Kihyun asked. "No thank you, I'm all set. So what's up guys?" I asked.

That's when I noticed the looks on their faces.

My heart started pounding. "Ok, what's going on?" I asked, letting go of Hyungwon.

"You better take a seat" Hyungwon said.

He led me to the couches as Changkyun set my bags off to the side somewhere. Hyungwon sat next to me with Jooheon on the other side.

"What's going on?" I asked again. My heart was close to pounding out of my chest.

Hyungwon gulped. "Hun, we need to show you something. What we are about to show you is disturbing. Now please, it's going to be hard to stay calm but for the sake of the baby please stay calm."

Now I was panicking. Did Jin cheat on me? Did something happen to any of my girls? Were the boys safe?

A million thoughts trudged through my head of every worse case scenario that could possibly be happening.

Hyungwon held out his hand. Instinctively I entwined my hand in his.

Jooheon sighed, turning on the tv.

My eyes shot right up to the tv. It was the Korean news. Luckily they had put subtitles on for me.

"And finally, a scandal rocking BigHit entertainment. Everyone by now has heard of oldest member Kim Seokjins soulmate turned wife, American Angela Kim. The newlyweds have yet to reveal to fans their pregnancy.

This would seem like happy times for the BTS member. But news sources have obtained , via an employee of BigHit, text message images exchanged between rapper Min Yoongi, a.k.a Suga, and his older brother Min Geumjae.

These texts revealed some shocking accusations. Mrs. Kim had an affair with Min Yoongi while being married for a short time with Kim Seokjin. And they baby you may be wondering? We speculate the father to be none other than Min Yoongi.

We here at Knews 11 have reached out to BigHit entertainment for a statement. As we wait for an official statement, we would like to wish our best to Kim Seokjin during this hard time."



Stream 'Butter' yall!

And maybe later I'll go grab the BTS meal at McDonald's 😉


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