Chapter 26

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Groaning, I plopped down on the couch next to Jungkook. He laughed and ruffled my hair.

For weeks now I've been meeting up with Eomma and wedding planners to plan the wedding. Jiwoo and Angel would accompany me when possible.

And not to mention the tension at work has been so thick you could cut it with a knife. Hara would straight out refuse to even talk to me.

"Wedding planning getting you tired?" I nodded, laying my head on Kooks shoulder. He chuckled, putting his arm on my shoulders. "Shouldn't Jin be helping you?"

Just then said man sat next to me. "Tomorrow I am. We are going to look at the catering and cake."

Jungkook snorted. "Of course you'd go for food hyung." Jin picked up the pillow from next to him and hit the Maknae in the head, causing me to laugh and lean forward.

Jin got up, holding his hand out to me. "Baby can you come with me? I have something I'd like to discuss with you."

Even though I was confused I still took his hand. He hoisted me up on my feet and led me outside to the garden area. We took a seat on one of the benches that's placed out there. Jin glanced around, making sure we were out of ear shot from everyone.

"What's up?" I asked, still confused. He returned his attention to me after making sure no one was around.

"I can't have anyone listen in since the guys would spoil it. So, tomorrow, since we are going to pick out our cake, I also wanted to get one for Jimin since it'll be his birthday on the day we get married."

My eyes lit up. "Oh that's a great idea! Poor guy must feel like his birthday will be pushed aside. Yes we definitely have to get him one."

Jin nodded, looking up to the sky.

We sat in silence for awhile until he broke it again.

"You know I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're forced to marry me so soon. I mean, we haven't even had our first Christmas together as a couple and already we are going to be husband and wife soon."

I reached over without looking and held his hand. "Its ok. I understand in your culture parents have a huge say in their child's future. Since I have no technical family, the decisions are from your family. I accept it. We will learn how to be husband and wife."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Jin smiling. He reached out, cupping my face and turning me to face him. Then he placed a sweet gentle kiss on my lips.

When we pulled apart I spoke up again. "I'm just grateful your family accepts me. I'm most certainly not the type of woman a Korean family would want their son with. I'm a bit chubby, covered in tattoos and piercings, and my hair is tri-colored."

"Baby, I don't care what anyone ever thinks of you. You're perfect to me. And that's not just the bond talking."

He pulled me in for another kiss.

"Let's say we head to bed since we have a long day tomorrow?"


Jin and I had finally arrived at the cake shop. Luckily Eomma agreed to let us meet with the Baker and catering company by ourselves.

We walked hand in hand through the front door. A tall man who look strangely familiar standing there.

"Min Geumjae. How are you?" Jin asked. Confused, I looked between the two. The man hugged Jin and smiled at me. "Wait...Min Geumjae?" I asked.

"This is Yoongis older brother" Jin said. "Oh! Oh ok. Hello!" I said, bowing to him. He chuckled. "Ok you two. Follow me."

Geumjae led us to a table at the back of the cafe. There was two glasses of water set up along with a variety of slices of cake.

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