Chapter 67

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Jin and I had just gotten out of the shower, preparing to get ready for our meeting with Yoongi. Earlier in the morning we had questioned Namjoon and Angel as to if they had any ideas what he wanted to talk about. All four of us were at a loss.

We both changed into casual clothes. Mine was a simple black legging with plaid printed top. Jin just tossed on an RJ shirt and blue jeans.

Namjoon and Angel were already waiting for us down in the living room. "Did he send you directions?" Namjoon asked Jin. "Yeah. He said hes there now." The four of us piled into Jins car and headed off.

At the restaurant I recognized Yoongis car out front. "I wonder why he only wanted to strictly talk to us four" Angel commented. As we clambered out of the car, Jin took ahold of my hand.

Namjoon led us inside. "Good evening. Table for four?" The waitress asked. Namjoon shook his head. "We are actually looking for our brother. Min Yoongi."

She ran her finger over a piece of paper then stopped. "Ah yes Mr. Min. Right this way" she said. Namjoon and Angel walked ahead of us. I stared up at Jin who only smirked and kissed me.

Yoongi stood up from his spot at the table as we approached. "Hey guys" he simply said. Jin pulled out the chair for me. I thanked him as I sat down and he pushed me in. Yoongi was on my right side as Jin sat on my left.

"Can I get everyone something to drink?" The waitress asked. I saw Yoongi was already drinking wine.

"Iced tea for me please" I said. "Coke for me" Jin replied. Namjoon and Angel both ordered the same as me.

"So, how is everyone?" Yoongi asked. I laughed. "Yoongi, you realize you just saw us this morning before going into the studio right?"

He nodded. "I know. I just didn't know if anything changed."

The waitress came back with our drinks then took our orders. After she left again, Yoongi cleared his throat.

"So, theres a reason I asked you four here this evening. I needed to talk to you four without prying ears. That's why I left Dakota home with the other four."

"Ok" Angel started.

I was starting to get nervous. Who was this about? What was this about?

"I needed to talk to you four because, I found out something about Dakota."

My heart immediately dropped.

"She fucking better not be pregnant" Angel growled. We all know Dakota is close to Yoongi and Hoseok so she would go to them for anything.

Yoongi immediately shook his head. "Good god no I'd kill someone."

Both Angel and I clutched our hearts in relief.

"Since that thought is thrown away, what is it then?" Namjoon asked. Jin shifted in his chair next to me.

"I had asked Jin about this, and he told me to wait. I just, needed to tell someone."

I glanced over at Jin. He sighed, apparently now realizing what this is about. Still confused I turned my attention back to Yoongi.

"So before I say anything, I think I know what should be done. But I want everyones opinion since, well I'll explain.

Dakota had showed me her soulmate tattoo durning an evening while working with me in the studio. I took a picture of it because I thought it looked cool.

Fast forward to this years Christmas show we all went to. There was an idol group there who sat not far from us. When one of the idols sat down his pant leg lifted a bit. When I leaned in I recognized the tattoo.

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