Chapter 77

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After everyone went home, Jin, Yoongi and I were left alone. Luckily there wasn't any cleaning up to do since everyone helped with that. The three of us plopped on the couch, turning on a movie. I sat between the two guys, legs on Yoongi and head on Jins shoulder.

"Tomorrow we should go grab our clothes since its the only thing we have left" Jin suggested. I nodded my head. "Good idea. I don't care but I'm going to stay in these clothes for the night." The two guys laughed at my comment. A wail piercing through the baby monitor grabbed my attention. "Min-Jun must be hungry" I said. I got up and headed to his room upstairs.

"Theres Eommas little baby" I said, walking over to the bassinet. He was wiggling around crying. I picked him up, walking him over to the chair in our room. At least when he gets into his room I have a rocking chair in there. I'd only have to wait six months for that.

I sat down, pulling out my breast and bringing his mouth up to my nipple. He immediately latched on and began suckling.

The door opened up a minute later. I looked over to see Jin and Yoongi walking in. "Min-Jun is one hungry little guy" Jin said, sitting on the bed across from me. I nodded. "He'll need to eat every two to three hours until hes about six months old." Jin nodded. "I know. I read it in a parenting book I started reading when I found out we were having a baby." I smiled, reaching out to caress his face.

"Can we pump your breast milk into containers so either Jin or I can take turns waking up to feed him?" Yoongi asked.

"I mean we could try. But I don't mind. I know I'm in for long sleepless nights."

When Min-Jun unlatched himself from me, Jin took him away. I covered myself back up as I watched Jin burp him them change him. "Our little guy is ready for some sleep again" he said, kissing Min-Jun then laying him down in his bassinet. "I suggest I do the same." Not even caring to wash up, I just climbed into the bed. Min-Juns bassinet was pulled up right next to me.

I was so focused on watching my baby sleep that I didn't realize someone had climbed into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "We got this. Itll be hard but we got this" Jin said. I nodded, turning over so I could face him. "I still can't believe he's here. Like hes really here" I whispered. Jin moved a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear. "I know baby. Hes here and hes so strong and healthy. I'm just surprised you pushed that eleven pounder out without needing stitches." I giggled. "I know right."

There was another dip in the bed indicating Yoongi just climbed in. "Get some sleep Ang. You need it." I nodded my head. "I know I know."


The first night was exhausting. And I knew it was going to be this way for awhile. Every two hours I had to get up to feed Min-Jun. Luckily Jin and Yoongi took turns waking up with me. After I'd get done feeding, they would take Min-Jun to burp and change.

Now its eight in the morning and none of us had adequate sleep. I took a quick shower, changing into sweats and Yoongis hoodie, and headed out into the living room. I saw Jin at the front door letting someone in.

Kisa and Jimin walks in, carrying two bags and a tray of drinks. "Hey guys" I said, walking over to Jin who wrapped his arm around me. "Hey Unnie. Jimin and I bought breakfast for you three. We figured it must have been a long night."

Yoongi walked up on my other side. "Yes it was. Is that an iced americano?" Kisa nodded, handing him the drink. He took a sip and sighed in relief. "Hits the spot."

Jimin handed Jin an iced americano as well. "And since you can't have caffeine Noona, here's a smoothie. You need it." I thanked him as I took a sip of the blueberry pomegranate mixture.

Kisa took out trays of food, handing them to each of us. "Eat up."

The five of us were sitting at the dining room table talking and eating our breakfast. Let me tell you, the stuffed French toast did not disappoint. I was halfway through eating when I heard Min-Jun crying. "That's my cue to go feed him" I said. I excused myself and headed up to his room.

Picking him up from his bassinet, I walked across the hall to his room. I took a seat in the rocking chair and began feeding him.

After a few minutes there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened up revealing a smiling Kisa. "Hey unnie. I thought I'd keep you company." I smiled at her, motioning for her to sit on the ottoman.

"Hes so adorable. I just can't get over how chubby he is." I chuckled. "I know. They told me they thought he was going to be a big baby and I guess they were right."

We talked for awhile longer until Min-Jun was done eating. "Hey Kisa. Do you want to pick out his clothes?" I asked, pointing to a dresser. She giggled. "Yes of course!"

I laid him down, changing his diaper as Kisa brought over a misfits onesie. I smiled at her. "Great choice my dear."

We got Min-Jun cleaned up then returned downstairs. The guys were sitting around the table still. Jimin looked up and smiled. "Oh let me see the baby!" I laughed as I handed Min-Jun over to him. Jimin happily held the baby close to him. I took a seat back down next to Jin and finished my food.

Jimin and Kisa loved playing with Min-Jun. They stayed until late afternoon just gawking over him and letting him squeeze their fingers. When dinner time rolled around they decided to head back home. "Stop by for a visit. I know Tae is missing Min-Jun." Jin and I chuckled. "We will. Probably tomorrow" Jin said. We waved to them and watched them head out.

Yoongi was in the kitchen, bustling about making dinner. "Smells good" I said, walking into the kitchen with Jin. Min-Jun was in his little rocker, watching Yoongi. Yoongi smiled over at me. "Bulgogi. I know it's your favorite."

I smiled back, sitting down at the table. Jin had picked up Min-Jun and was rocking him. "Babe I'm going to put his little pajamas on and lay him down." "Ok love."

When Jin was gone, Yoongi turned around smirking. "Min-Jun is adorable. Makes me want a baby too."

My eyes grew wide. "You want a baby?" He shrugged. "Of course. I want a baby of my own. But I know that requires a lot of conversation between Jin, you and I. Obviously since you're my soulmate meaning you'd be the mother of my child."

I gulped. Of course I don't want any more kids at the moment. But would I at some point? I mean, the thought of Yoongi also having a baby was definitely adorable.

"Hes sleeping now. He tried peeing on me" Jin said, sitting across from me. Yoongi burst out laughing.

"Just be mindful of where his ding dong is when you're changing him. He's never tried peeing on me." Jin scoffed. "That's because you're his Eomma. He loves you more."

"Pfft, he don't have a bias. But I did bring him into this world. And I feed him."

"Well I made him" Jin retorted, playfully sticking his tongue out at me. "Alright alright kids. It takes two to tango. Your sperm planted in her egg. Min-Jun is half Jin half Ang. Now let's eat" Yoongi said, putting the food on the table.



Im surprised I got this out before going to work.

It's my first day back at my caregiving job in almost two months. I hope it goes well.

And even more so I hope yall are loving the story! Let me know what you wanna see or any suggestions you have!


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