How Am I So Far Away From You? (SEUNGLIX)

Start from the beginning

At first, they went out on a few dates together and both of them enjoyed it. They continued talking to each other, walking around campus together, or having lunch. They did a lot of things together but they never really made it official.

And they never made it known to the public that they liked each other so many people honestly thought they were good friends. Felix was a busy who was big on affection and really like his relationship to be out in public so he can be able to shower them with love without fearing anyone's opinion but Seungmin, on the other hand, had told the freckled boy that he wanted to keep whatever they have a secret.

He shrugged that off and respected the younger's wishes but doesn't that mean that Seungmin didn't feel the same? Was he embarrassed to be even called something with Felix?

It was confusing really; the freckled boy didn't know where he stood in the brunette's life. There were times where the younger would shun him off, completely ignore him, and make Felix think that maybe he didn't really feel the same but then there were times where Seungmin would be the exact opposite.

He would compliment Felix about his outfit or anything in general since he knew how the freckled boy was always insecure about certain things. Then, he would remember little details about the older like his favorite food or what time were his dance practices and classes. There were times where the conversations that both of them would have been deep and meaningful; certain phrases or words the younger said were always imprinted in Felix's mind.

Seungmin would even sometimes come over and stay the night; he would hold the older even if he didn't ask and that made his poor heart do multiple flips. It was things like this where Felix would think that the younger did in fact feel the same.

"Felix...?" Changbin called out.

"It's complicated," he replied and pulled away from the older, getting off the couch in the process. "It's nothing you should worry about. We're fine."

"It's not fine if you're going to get hurt in the end, Felix," the younger stood there, the words sinking into his head. If this kept going, if Seungmin kept doing all of this just for him to not feel the same; he would really get hurt in the end and he wanted to avoid that at all costs.

But it's not like he could tell the future, so it's something he would have to risk then.

"We don't know that yet...," the freckled boy replied. "I have work to do but if you have any dinner plans for tonight, do call me. I could use a drink or fresh air."

Changbin sighed and only nodded at Felix. The younger gave the other male sitting on the sofa a small smile before walking away. He headed to his room but as he was about to enter, the older said something.

"You've been through enough, Felix," Changbin softly said. "I don't want to see you in the same state again."

The blonde chuckled and peeked over his shoulder, "I've grown stronger, it's fine. I have you in the end, don't I?"

He didn't leave any space for the older to reply; he entered his room and closed the door behind him. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before walking over to his study table and sitting on the chair. There were notebooks and textbooks scattered on the table and he groaned at how unorganized this was.

He cleaned up the area a bit, distracting himself from thinking about Seungmin and focusing more on his school work. It worked for a while but as he was going through his notes with music playing in the background, his mind started to wander to thoughts of the younger male. Soon enough, the words in front of him turned blurry and before he knew it, he had already fallen into a deep slumber with Seungmin being the last thing on his mind.

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