Chapter 26- I Didn't Get Grounded

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(Y/n) POV

"Sans! I have 6 kids with me and I'm engaged! How am I supposed to explain this to my moms!?" I began to freak out as we walked to my house. We lived in the middle of Charlotte, North Carolina and there was an airport near our house. We heard planes flying over our house all of the time.

"I think they'll just be glad that your safe." Sans shrugged. "Besides, even if she doesn't approve, we can just be engaged until you turn 18 and then she won't be able to say no because you'll officially be an adult."

"You're right. I've been gone for two and a half days!" I realized. We arrived at my house and I knocked on the door. Momma J answered the door. She didn't work on Saturdays, unlike Momma T. She scooped Sophia and I into a hug.

"Oh, my girls! You're back! Where were you? Who are all these people... monsters... whatever!?" Momma J asked in a rush.

"Uh... we were under a magical mountain, saving all of monster kind. Remember that monster that I had a crush on when I was like 10? This is him. That's the one Sophia had a crush on. And all these kids are the ones that fell in the mountain. They died but I resurrected them and we saved the underground." I explained, purposely skipping the detail that Sans and I (and Sophia and Papyrus) were engaged.

"Oh. That's great, but your not telling the whole story." Momma J started to catch on. "What's that on your hand?" Momma J grabbed my hand and looked at the grass ring. She smiled.

"You had this on the day Sophia made you guys have a wedding. (Y/n) was so embarrassed when she got home and Sophia told me what happened. Wait... did you two..?" She turned serious.

"(Y/n) (l/n), if you went and got married behind my back, you're gonna be grounded for a year!"

"No! No no no no no. Not yet at least." I said and smiled. " We're not married but we're sorta... kinda... maybe engaged?" I said nervously.

Momma J breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew. I just want to be at the wedding." She laughed.

I smiled and said "So could we..."

"No" Momma J replied before I could finish. "That does not mean you can get married right now."

"Aww..." I fake pouted and then giggled.

"What are your names again?" My mom asked, looking at Sans and Papyrus.

"I'm Sans." Sans stepped forward and shook my mom's hand.

"I am The Great Papyrus!" Papyrus said, doing the same thing. My mom raised an eyebrow and shook his hand.

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