Chapter 3- The Time We Went Long-Distance

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"We have to go home. Now." I said. We were about to start running when someone lifted me and Sophia off the ground. It was our parents. They ran to our house (I had two moms and Sophia and I were adopted) and sat me and Sophia down on the couch.

"Girls, we know this is scary" Momma J began "but we're going to be okay. The monster king declared war a few minutes ago, because a village of monster haters killed his son."

"But I just met a friend who's a monster! Will he be okay?" I asked.

"'He'?" My mom asked, changing the subject "What's he like?"

"We'll he's a skeleton. And he's short. And he's a year older than me. And he likes blue. And we kissed twice." I gushed, not even realizing what I had said until a few seconds later. "I mean- Um... We were playing a game and I... he..." I trailed off and started blushing and smiling like a doofus. Sophia decided to take over and told my mom how she had noticed I liked Sans and decided to give us a push in the right direction.

"He also ran back to give her something before he left." Sophia finished. I pulled the grass ring out of my pocket and showed it to my mom.

I got butterflies in my stomach and told my mom "I have a really bad crush on this skeleton. Just holding this makes me get butterflies."

"The first time I got butterflies was when I met your Momma T" my mother replied.

"Do you think that me and Sans will be like you and Momma T?" I wondered aloud.

"Maybe." My mom said with a shrug and a wink.

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