Chapter 12- A Journey

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After we ate, we all put our shoes on and decided to go ahead and start walking to the king's castle. We came into Waterfall, where all the cave walls and water and ceiling looks midnight blue. The blue crystals on the roof sparkled. We walked in silence at first and then we started talking about the surface. Well... it was more like "what does the surface have that we don't?", but yeah. We were learning about the surface. An hour later we came to the end of waterfall. We began to walk through Hotland. It was basically the opposite of Waterfall. The floor and ceiling was red, and lava flowed instead of water. An hour and a half later, we were at the core. It was 11:40 by now, so we decided to take a break at the beginning of the Core (AKA the MTT resort), so that we could eat lunch ; luckily (y/n) had planned ahead and got reservations. We ate lunch at the MTT resort, where they served steak in the shape of Mettaton, a famous robot. After lunch we began our walk through The Core. The core was mostly blue with a little grey and red. The core is a maze of hallways, that lead to the king's castle. All you really have to do is go forward and you'll eventually get there. When you reach the end, you go on a elevator that takes a really long time. Then you're at New Home, where most of the monsters live. Everything is a dull gray and it seems like it would be boring to live there. After 30 minutes we finally arrived in the room before we would meet the king. We had figured out that the only place anyone has ever seen the human souls is right before they fight the king (Asgore), so we decided that we would all meet the king together and tell him our plan. (Y/n) looked scared, but I could tell that she was trying to be brave. I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. She looked at me gratefully and squeezed my hand back. We didn't let go as we stepped into the room where we would finally meet Asgore. It looked like a church with huge windows. There were 2 thrones on the opposite side of the room. One was in the center on the wall and the other was in a corner, covered in a white sheet. There were golden flowers everywhere; Asgore was standing in the center of the room, watering some of the flowers. (Y/n) gave a small gasp. I looked over at her and realized she had tears in her eyes and she looked completely terrified. "What is it?" I whispered in her ear.

"This is where I was in my nightmare except it was empty and there weren't any flowers" she whispered back, horrified. I felt bad for (y/n), she didn't deserve to have that horrible nightmare or to have to sacrifice herself. I was scared of losing her but I'm sure my fear was nothing compared to what she was feeling at the moment.

"Wowie! That's a lot of flowers!"

Uh oh.

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