Chapter 23- Love Is Awkward

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"Ew! Alex and Maya are about to kiss!" Lucy shouted. So much for romance. I looked at Alex, but they just shrugged. I was still holding their hand. With my other hand I grabbed their shoulder and turned them to face me. Then I kissed them, for a while. Afterwards, I was vaguely aware of everyone staring at us but that didn't really matter. I just stared in to Alex's eyes and they stared into mine and eventually I couldn't feel everyone watching us anymore. We were both smiling like dorks, staring at each other, holding hands, and everything else just faded away. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but when (y/n) said "Come on, guys! We're about to leave!" everything went back to normal.

"Why do I feel like I'm gonna barf?" I asked Alex, looking at our hands.

"I don't know, but same." They replied. "Maybe we're sick. Does love make you sick?"

"I don't know" I shrugged. "Let's go ask (y/n)." So we walked over to (y/n).

"(Y/n), does love make you sick?" I asked.

"What?" She laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Well... Alex and I..." I started to blush when I remembered that everyone saw us kiss.

"Kissed. Now our stomachs feel like they got turned upside down." Alex finished for me. (Y/n) started laughing.

"Sorry." She said when she recovered "You feel like that because you like each other. That's your body saying 'Ahhhh! They're here! They kissed me! Ahhhh!' We call it butterflies." She explained with a smile. Sophia walked over.

"They go away once you get used to... that kind of contact." She helped.

"How do you get used to it?" I asked.

Sophia shrugged "By doing it a lot, I guess. Like this." She pulled Papyrus over and kissed him on the teeth. He turned orange. "Well... I've gotten used to it at least." Sophia said and rolled her eyes after seeing Papyrus's reaction.

"Oh." was all I said as I began to blush again. Alex started to repeatedly kiss my cheek. I blushed harder.

"Alex!" was all I could think to say at the moment. Alex stopped.

"What? I'm trying to fix us!" They laughed.

"I think she meant that it'll fix itself eventually." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Ok! Come on, guys! Let's go! We're leaving now!" (Y/n) called to everyone. I think that she forgets that she doesn't have to yell because she could just talk to us in our heads. We got in our pairs and held hands. We began walking down the mountain. It wasn't very steep but it was very wide.

"We should give each other cute nicknames." I suggested to Alex as we walked down "I could call you Ax, Lex, babe- wait... not babe." I started turning red.

"You can call me babe if you want. I could call you May (My), Aya (Iya), sugar, pumpkin, honey bunches of oats." Alex paused " That was a joke! Or the last part at least. Unless you like sugar or pumpkin. Then it's not a joke." Alex face-palmed. "I'll shut up now." I kissed them on the cheek as we walked.

"Aya sounds nice." I told them.

They turned red and kissed me back.

"I like Al" they smiled. I started to blush.

"Ok." I said quietly. I was not used to being kissed yet. We both walked silently for a moment.

"Did I mention that I loved you too?" Alex asked.

"You did" I giggled.

"Ok. Good" They replied with a smile. We both giggled and smiled. We didn't blush. Were we... used to it?

"What's that face for?" Alex asked.

"I just- let me try something." I said.

"Uh... alright." Alex responded questioningly. I kissed them but I didn't blush this time. We were used to it!

"Woah." Alex said "That's cool".

I giggled.

"Yeah, I guess it is." I replied. So we got to the bottom of the mountain. I was holding their hand. Not blushing anymore.

Alex POV

As we walked towards the airport dozens of camera crews surrounded us. We each held hands with our partner and tried our best to ignore them. They all shouted questions at us, like "Where have you all been this whole time?" and "Why did you climb the mountain in the first place?". Dead. To escape. I responded in my head, even though they couldn't hear me. Lucy and Chad were running ahead and queen-waving at the camera crews. John and Tori walked together and made faces at the cameras. Maya and I just smiled nervously and kept walking. (Y/n), Sans, Sophia, and Papyrus were behind us but I assumed they weren't talking either. After 10 minutes of walking, we arrived at the airport.

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