Chapter 9- A Death Wish Plan

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 I remembered that we still had to make it back to the surface to see our parents. I had read tons of books about monsters and souls. The king of monsters had killed, or ordered others to kill, 6 children who fell from above. He collected their souls in hopes that he could get a 7th soul. Once the 7th soul had been attained, he would absorb the human souls and break the barrier. I knew that monsters could absorb human souls, so I wondered if a human could absorb a human soul.

"So... I think I have an idea to get out of here." I told everyone. I looked at Sans "I just have one question. Can a human absorb a human soul?"

"I'm not sure, (y/n). No one has ever done that before. You would have a lot of power, if you survived. Who knows? That power could kill you." Sans looked at me sadly after saying this, like he knew that I was going to do it anyways.

"So where does the king keep the human souls? In his castle?" I said trying to distract my friends and my fiancé (EEK! I'm so excited!) from the possibility that I would die.

"We could take a 'shorcut' to the castle, but it would only take a second" Sans said, looking at me sadly. I knew what he was trying to imply. That he wanted to spend time with me, so we should go on foot.

"Ok. Let's walk then. How long will that take." I asked Sans

"It would take about 5 and a half hours if we never stopped, but we can take it slow" Sans answered, starting to look a little less sad.

"Cool! Let's go then." I said happily as I grabbed Sans's hand and began to walk. As we walked through Snowdin I saw many different monsters. Snowdrakes, Ice Caps, and Jerries. We stopped at the shop and stocked up on food. Then we went to Grillby's for dinner. Sophia and I both had a burger and fries. Papyrus ate homemade spaghetti, which Sans whispered that I should never taste if I didn't want to get sick. And Sans, much to my surprise, was drinking ketchup. It was strange, no doubt, but I got used to it. When we were done eating we went to Sans and Papyrus's house, to go to sleep.

Souls and Soul Mates (Sans x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now