Chapter 14- The Room Where It Happened

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(Y/n) POV

The door to the barrier. I knew that I might die inside of that room, yet I wasn't really afraid. My only goal was to free the monsters and my friends, no matter what it cost me.

I looked at Sans "If this doesn't work, then I want you to find a new fiancé, ok? I love you." I squeezed his hand, kissed him on the teeth, and we walked through the door.

"But (y/-" Sans whispered.

"Sans, I love you, but shut up." I mumbled back. I stepped forward and let go of Sans's hand. King Asgore turned around and 7 clear glass jars rose from the floor. One was empty. The rest each had one soul in them; the souls colors were orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. The world turned dark and a red soul flashed in front of me. Wait... red?

"Hm... you have a red soul. Just like..." Asgore noted before abruptly stopping his sentence. Like who!? Why did my soul color change?

"Wait... my soul was light blue before!"

"I guess you changed, then. The light blue soul represents patience and the red represents determination. Was there something that you were being patient for that you finally received?" Asgore asked giving me a knowing look. He must've seen Sans and I holding hands.

I looked back at my fiancé "Yeah. There was. But now I'm determined to set all of the monsters free!" I said, looking back at Asgore.

"Ok. You may try, my child." He said softly. Wait... "My child"? That's what Toriel called me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Asgore moved to the jar with the yellow soul inside.

"Every human that has fallen down has had strange dreams about their body being taken over by another soul. Most of the humans dreamed of the human with the light blue soul, Kaya. But Kaya dreamed of a girl, about 16, who's soul color changed from light blue to red." Asgore looked at me. "She dreamed that the girl took over her body and saved the underground. Human... No- (y/n). I believe that you can free all of monster kind." Then he picked up the jar and twisted off the lid.

Souls and Soul Mates (Sans x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now