Chapter 21- I Really Like Truth Or Dare

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Alex POV

"What happened?" (Y/n) asked me and my girlfriend. Yes. We're dating. We just haven't told anyone. We could all talk to each other in our jars, and we just ended up really liking each other. I never planned to ask her out as a soul, because I thought that she and the others would find it stupid, but when we came back to life I asked her in our heads. Anyways you probably didn't care about that. Where were we? Oh, yeah! (Y/n) asked what happened!

"Well..." I started and then began to tell her the story.

15 minutes ago...

"Ok, I'm ready. Let's go." (Y/n) said, holding Sans' hand. She was blushing, which I found strange since they were engaged. I figured that she would be used to it by now. Anywho, they teleported and the younger kids got the bright idea to play truth or dare.

"I wanna go first!" Lucy shouted "Maya, truth or dare?"

"Um... truth. I guess..." My beautiful girl- I mean Maya, responded.

"Is it true that you and Alex are dating?" She asked sweetly. Maya blushed and it was super cute.

"Yes" She mumbled, blushing harder.

"Ooooh." All of the younger kids teased us.

"My turn!" Chad said, happily. "Alex, truth or dare?" There was a dare that I kinda wanted Chad to give me, but I wasn't sure that he would. I decided to take the chance.

"Dare." I said.

"Kiss Maya on the lips!" Chad told me. That's what I had hoped for. I turned towards Maya, on my left. She was bright red and I can only imagine that I looked the same. She shrugged and leaned in. Here we go, first kiss, I'm not ready for this! I lean in and we kiss, not for long. It was better than I thought. Yes, I admit it, I had thought about kissing Maya. The only reason I pulled away is because after about 2 seconds, John coughed awkwardly, like "Ahem. We're still here."

I pulled away and smiled at Maya. She was still bright red and I probably was too. She smiled back and we stared into each other's eyes for a second. Lucy and Chad we're pretending to gag; Tori and John were laughing at their reactions. Then (y/n) came back back with the Queen, the prince, and the first fallen child.

Back to the present.

"Oh. Ok. Sounds fun." (Y/n) said when I finished telling the story.

"I wouldn't have imagined that I would be forced to have my first kiss because of a bunch of kids, but yeah it was cool." Maya jokes.

"Yeah. Cool." I said and started to blush. I kissed Maya on the cheek and immediately regretted it. Maya turned red and Sans and (y/n) awkwardly turned around and went to go talk to Papyrus and Sophia. Maya giggled and turned to me.

"You missed." She said.

"Huh?" I asked. And then she quickly kissed me on the lips before I could react. I mean I know we're dating, but we only kissed the first time because of the kids. And when I kissed her it was on the cheek. But then she kissed me on the lips! JEODBFTWODJFYSHEN!!! I turned red, and I was at a loss for words. I just stood there staring at her with this goofy grin on my face.

"Hello? Earth to themfriend? Talk or I'll smooch you again!" Maya said, waving her hand in front of my face. Themfriend. That's what Maya decided to call me since I'm non-binary. I really liked it.

"I wouldn't mind another kiss" I joked. We both giggled and stared into each other's eyes. After a while, I blinked and we both looked down and blushed. I looked at Sans and (y/n).

"You think we'll ever be like them?" I asked my girlfriend.

"I hope neither of us becomes a skeleton man with bunny slippers!" She laughed.

"Haha." I laughed sarcastically. "I mean... do you think we'll ever be engaged? Married? Adopt kids?"

"Unless we die again, that's the plan." She smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. I was starting to get used to that. I still blushed, though. "Come on! I think we're getting out of here soon!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards everyone else. And when we got there she didn't let go. I looked down at our hands. Maya did the same.

"Oh! Sorry!" Maya blushed and let go of my hand.

"No, it's fine. I like it." I grabbed her hand.

"Well I guess that's settled then" she whispered in embarrassment.

Souls and Soul Mates (Sans x y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora