Chapter 7- The Time I Forced My Friend To Get Married

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Sans POV

"Cool. What should we do?" I thought and then smiled mischievously "I got it!"

"What?" (y/n) asked, looking slightly nervous for my idea.

"We need to do what they did to us" I responded.

"Um.. yeah. I already said that." She rolled her eyes.

"No. We need to do exactly what they did to us." I smiled.

"I guess it's time to play wedding." She smiled back. A few minutes later, (y/n) and I had already started to get comfortable with each other. Talking, laughing, flirting, and not stuttering. I was thinking about when I kissed her, last time we saw each other. Then Papyrus walked up.

"Hey, bro. I found some friends of ours." I said as I let go of (y/n)'s hand and turned to Papyrus. I just realized that I had been holding her hand this entire time.

" Who are you talking about? Is Undyne-" Papyrus spotted Sophia and started to blush.

" Why don't we play wedding?" (y/n) laughed as we pulled Sophia and Papyrus into their positions.

"What!?" The pair said in unison.

"Yep. We had our turn six years ago. Now it's yours." (y/n) explained fairly. She stood behind Sophia and I stood between Sophia and my brother. Me and (y/n) plucked some frozen grass to weave rings out of.

"Brother, why are we doing this?" My brother asked, obviously to delay the wedding.

"Because we had to do it." I replied, pointing to myself with one hand and pointing at (y/n) with the other.

"It's rude to point, Sans." (y/n) giggled as she winked at me.

"Do you..." (y/n) and I burst out laughing as we both remembered what Papyrus had asked us. (Y/n) and I quickly calmed down and I finished my question.

"Do you promise to love each other?" Papyrus blushed as I asked the question.

"I'm not doing this." Sophia mumbled angrily as she continued to blush. Papyrus looked hurt for a moment.

"I do." He said as he looked into Sophia's eyes. Sophia's expression softened.

"I do!" She said, a bit loudly, as she began to smile. Everyone was silent for a moment. Then Papyrus and Sophia started to blush. They had both realized what I was about to say.

"Wait-!" Sophia shouted before I interrupted her.

"You may kiss the bride." I said as I winked at (y/n) and took a step back. She looked really pretty, just like last time I had seen her. Same (h/c) hair. Same beautiful (e/c) eyes...

I snapped out of it and looked at my brother. He and Sophia were just standing there, avoiding eye contact. They looked up at the same time, and caught each other's eyes. Papyrus leaned forward and kissed Sophia on the lips. For a while. I decided that I would take my chance while (y/n) was distracted. While she was looking at Sophia and Papyrus (because Sophia's love life is obviously her business) I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. I was about to go back to how I was, when she grabbed my face and kissed me on the teeth! I started to blush, but I didn't know how to react. I went back to my original position, so that when Papyrus and Sophia stopped staring into each other eyes and blushing, I was in my original spot and they wouldn't know anything happened. I thought.

"Brother, you're turning blue. Like every time I mention (y/n)." Papyrus whispered to me. Unfortunately, my brother isn't very good at whispering which means that (y/n) heard what he had said.

"He's just blushing because he kissed me." (Y/n) giggled, her cheeks red.

I blushed harder as Papyrus said "Sans! I thought you didn't like (y/n) anymore!"

Souls and Soul Mates (Sans x y/n)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن