Chapter 20- I Know The Queen

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6 years ago ((y/n) POV)

I was watching the news. The humans and monsters were having a fight and I wanted to know what was happening. Apparently, a human (who had fallen down a year ago), and the monster prince, had been killed by a group of monster haters. In a fit of anger, the monster king declared war on the humans. His wife was like "Ew bro. Don't kill people!" and she left.

End of Flashback ((y/n) POV)

Wait. Toriel is the queen! That would be the reason why her and Asgore both called me "my child". That girl is the first human that fell and that boy is the prince!

"Howdy! I'm Asriel!" The boy said. His voice was like Flowey's, but a little less squeaky and more child innocence.

"I'm Chara." The girl said.

"Hi! I'm (y/n) and this is Sans. It's nice to meet you both!" I introduced us to the kids. The girl rolled her eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, too!" The boy responded happily.

"What did you say about the barrier, my child? ...And the fallen souls?" Toriel asked.

"Well... basically... I somehow revived the six humans, and apparently those two as well" I indicated Chara and Asriel. "The seven of us broke down the barrier and now you're free!"

"Oh, that's wonderful news my child! I suppose we should go ahead and start the journey to the barrier if we wish to make it before it gets to dark." Toriel said with a smile.

"No. I can teleport. I can get all of us in one go if you use a little of your magic to help, Toriel." Sans explained kindly. With the cute smile. And cool blue jacket. And... Get yourself together, (y/n)! There's a story to tell!

"Alright, then. I'm ready whenever you are." Toriel said.

"Just touch my arm or something and you'll come with me." Sans explained to Toriel and the children. I put my hand on Sans's shoulder. Chara and Asriel each put a hand on his left arm. Toriel put a hand on his right.

Hey, guys! Do you think you could help me give Sans some magic, so he can teleport us? I asked the souls politely.

Of course! Maya and Alex responded in my head at the same time. Just think of the magic as a present you giving to him. Just imagine giving it to his soul, in your head, when he tries to use a shortcut. Alex explained fully.

Good luck! Maya thought to me when Alex was done.

Thanks, so much, guys! I owe you! I thought to them, hoping they could hear my gratefulness.

"Ok, guys. It's weird to teleport for the first time so I'm gonna count from 3." Sans said. I closed my eyes.

"3" I imagined a gift-wrapped box with magic inside.

"2" I imagined Sans's soul.

"1" I gave Sans's soul the magic, in my head. Hopefully it worked in real life, too. I opened my eyes. We were at the barrier, once again. Everyone was laughing and talking, they didn't seem to notice us.

"Woah, that was easier than I thought! Thanks for the energy boosts, (y/n) and Toriel!" Sans said appreciatively. He leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Thanks, babe. I didn't know you could do that!" Babe!

"Hehe. Neither did I." I responded and started to blush.

"Your cute when you blush." Sans whispered in my ear again. I blushed even harder.

"Thanks, babe." I said quietly. Sans began to turn blue.

"Your cute when you blush" I giggle.

"Fine! You can make me blush too!" Sans pretended to be annoyed. We made eye contact and started laughing. I pecked Sans on the teeth and grabbed his hand. I pulled him over to everybody else. Sophia and Papyrus were talking and laughing and blushing. The kids were sitting in a circle. Alex and Maya were holding hands and blushing. The other kids were either laughing or pretending to gag.

"What happened?" I asked Maya and Alex.

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