Chapter 8- The Day I Got Engaged

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(Y/n) POV

"Sans! I thought you didn't like (y/n) anymore!" Papyrus shouted. I was so confused. We had kissed multiple times. We held hands. He had even winked at me! But was Papyrus telling the truth?

"I- um... guess I changed my mind." Sans mumbled as he started to turn blue.

"You can't scare me like that Papyrus!" I yelled, half joking. I looked over at Sans. He was really blue and I immediately realized that I wanted to marry him one day. I suddenly had a thought. I knew it was sudden, but if he said no I could play it off as a joke. I pulled out my grass ring that I had kept since the war started.

I knelt in front of Sans and said "I don't know what it is about you, but I love you more than anything. And I get it if you don't feel the same or if you feel like I'm rushing this..." I trailed off and held the ring in front of me. I looked at Sans's confused face and suddenly got my confidence back. I grabbed Sans's hand with my left hand, the ring held in my right.

"Sans... Will you marry me?" I finally finished. He stared in shock for a moment. I was in too deep to play this off as a joke. If he didn't like me back, then I was screwed. And yes, I know I'm only 16, but we will probably be engaged for a year or so before we- wait he hasn't said yes yet. I snapped out of my daze and looked up to see Sans looking like a blueberry and Papyrus and Sophia staring in shock. I smiled nervously at Sans which seemed to snap him out of his shock.

"(Y/n), you're only 16 and I'm only 17. You're a human and I'm a monster." Sans began to calm down. "I really would love to get married someday, but nobody will approve of this!" I slipped the grass ring onto his finger.

"Who cares? It's not their wedding!" I laughed as I looked into his eyes.

"You're right." he agreed as he took an identical grass ring out of his hoodie pocket. He slipped the ring onto my finger and started to pull his hand away. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in. I kissed him on the teeth once again and he twirled me around. Suddenly, the realization hit me.

"I'm getting married." I said quietly.

"Heck yeah. You are." Sans said proudly.

"I'm getting married!" I cheered. Sans laughed and held my hand. Then I remembered that Papyrus and Sophia were still there. I looked over at Sophia and she smiled. She grabbed Papyrus hand and slipped the ring onto his finger.

"I guess we're having a double wedding, then." She announced.

"Wait. What?" Papyrus said, confused.

"I'm proposing." Sophia rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Oh. You want to get married... to me?" Papyrus asked, still confused.

"Of course I do!" Sophia laughed. "I mean... Why wouldn't I? You're the most amazing person I've ever met. I knew from the moment I first saw you that you were different than everyone else. I realized that... I love you."

Sans smirked as he looked at Papyrus. Papyrus's mouth was hanging open in shock and he was as orange as- well... an orange. He was obviously flattered by the things Sophia had said, but he looked like he was struggling to talk a little bit (ok, maybe a lot bit).

"I feel the same way." Papyrus finally muttered. "But you are really bad at proposing, Sophia. Your friend was better at it." Papyrus teases as he scooped Sophia into a hug. She giggled and hugged him back. When Papyrus put her down I ran to Sophia and gave her a hug.

"We're getting married!" I squealed.

Then the realization hit her.

"I just proposed to Papyrus. I'm getting married." She whispered is awe. Her face lit up with excitement as she exclaimed "I'm getting married!" I laughed and turned back to Sans.

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