Chapter 19- So I Guess I Ressurected 2 More Kids

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TW: Mentions of alcohol abuse and child abuse

(Y/n) POV

Grown-up juice? Alcohol? Chad's dad was an alcoholic? But all the kids had the same reaction? Maybe-

" Were all of your parents mean to you?" I asked quietly, trying to show them that I was different from their parents. Alex nodded.

"My parents kicked me out because I identified as non-binary and liked girls." Alex informed me.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. What are your pronouns?" I replied.

Alex grinned "All of them are fine, I guess, but I like they/them the most."

"Ok. That's what I'll call you, then." I said kindly. I suddenly realized that we had a problem. Where would all of these kids stay?

"Hey, big kids, can I talk to you?" Papyrus, Sans, and Sophia looked at me and walked over. I decided that 13 and 14 were old enough to be in this conversation, so I waved Maya and Alex over.

"Ok, guys. We have two options. One is asking my moms if we can keep you guys at our house until we've saved enough money to buy our own. The second one is to use my college fund to put a down payment on a house. That money could hold us over until I got a job." I told my group.

"I think that all of us, that are old enough, need to get a job as soon as possible. We can hang out at you and Sophia's place until we've saved enough money." Sans added.

"That sounds like a good idea." Maya pitched in. "But how do we help if we aren't old enough to get a job?"

"Well... someone needs to take care of the littler kids. I think you two would be good at that." I said, looking at Alex and Maya. They looked surprised.

"Just us?" Maya asked "No grownups?"

"Well... Maybe Papyrus would like to help you?" I looked at Papyrus. He was really good with all of the kids in the underground, or that's what I've heard.

"The Great Papyrus would love to assist you, Maya and Alex!" Papyrus announced, happily. I was glad that Papyrus wanted to watch the kids, because I doubted that he could get a job anywhere.

"Ok. That's settled." I said. I was about to start walking down the mountain, but then I realized something. A human had fallen down before the war started. She was adopted by Asgore and the queen. Wait. Asgore and Toriel both called me "my child". Is it possible that they... that Toriel is the queen?

"Hey, Sans. Was the monster queen named Toriel, by any chance?"

"Um... yeah, actually. How'd you know?" Sans looked curious.

"She lives in the ruins." I answered and then continued. " Did the king keep the human's and the prince's souls?"

"Um... maybe? I'm not sure. Why?" Sans asked, failing to see my point.

"If we brought these kids back from the dead, then maybe we brought those kids back from the dead, too!" I said excitedly. "It would take forever to get back to the ruins though. Is there a faster way?"

"I could use a shortcut, but I can only bring one person or I won't be able to make it back once we've got the prince and the human." Sans explained.

"I'm coming with you." I said.

Tell goat mom that we said "hi" John said in my head. I was surprised and looked towards him. He gave a cheeky grin and shrugged.

I didn't know you guys could still talk in my head. I reprimanded him. You scared me.

I guess that once you share a body there's no going back. He replied. I shook my head and turned to Sans.

"Ok, I'm ready. Let's go." I sighed. He grabbed my hand, which still gave my butterflies for some reason. There was a blue flash of light and then we were at the door that led from the Ruins to Snowdin. We were on the Ruins side of the door.

"Toriel! Toriel!?" I shouted. When we made it upstairs I tried again. "Hey, Toriel, I'm back!"

"We're in the living room, my child!" she called back. "We"! There's someone else with her! I ran into the living room. There was a girl, about 11-12, sitting in front of Toriel's rocking chair, beside the fireplace. There was a goat-boy, who looked like Toriel and was about the same age as the girl. The boy was sitting in Toriel's lap. All three of them looked up at Sans and I.

"Hey, Toriel. We dropped by to let you know that me and some resurrected kids just destroyed the barrier. You guys are free." I said, gesturing at Toriel and the two kids. "By the way, who are they?" I added.

"These are my children, my child. Chara and Asriel." Toriel said, pointing at the girl and then the boy when she said their names.

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