Chapter 1- My Story

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This is the story of the time that I almost died, got engaged, and unofficially adopted 6 children in less than three days. I'm (y/n), and this is my story... Alex and Maya are trying to convince me that it's everybody's story but it's mostly about me so I'm gonna call it my story.


I was 6. We were at an airport. Daddy's in a camouflage outfit. Why's mommy crying? Why does daddy have a suitcase? Are we going with him? Daddy already hugged me and he started to walk away. I started to cry.

"Daddy! Where are you going?" I said as I ran to him, tears streaming down my face. Daddy smiled but he still looked sad. One tear fell from his eye.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll be back soon." He said.

"Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky. Daddy stood up and pat my head.

"I love you, kiddo. Make sure to annoy your mom for me." He ignored my pinky.

"But you can annoy her when you get back, right?" My dad frowned and looked away. "Right?" I whispered, still crying. Daddy didn't say anything. He turned around and walked away. Mommy was sad from then on, and she drank all lot of juice, but I wasn't aloud to drink any. Mommy would get emotional after she drank her juice, sometimes she cried and sometimes she yelled. One day, a lady at my school pulled me out of class and asked me some questions. I didn't lie because I thought that what Mommy did was normal. The lady didn't let me get on the bus when the bell rang. She was really nice and gave me candy. We went to her car and got in. We drove for a long time. Eventually we got to a building with white brick walls and rainbows on the signs and posters outside. The inside walls were also made with white bricks. They were decorated with rainbows, clouds, suns, grass, forest animals. We walked up to a desk in the first room. A lady behind the counter checked me in and gave me a sticker. I looked down and saw that it said "Hi! My name is (y/n)!".

"We'll be able to get you a permanent one soon, but you can use that for now." The lady said after I read the name tag. I stuck it on my shirt and followed the lady from my school. She led me to room number 6. There were some other kids in there so that was cool but I still didn't know what this place was.

"What is this place?" I asked the lady.

"It's a place for kids like you. If someone's parents can't or don't take care of them then we take them here to give them good parents." The lady smiled as she explained.

"Oh." I walked over to a girl. Her name tag said Sophia.

"Hi. Do you want to be friends?" I asked her.

"Sure!" She smiled and we started playing with Legos.

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