'This one's for the sparklers. Dudes wearing shades in the darkness.'

Corbyn smirked as he heard the same somg that was previously on. While ago. Corbyn was gonna have real fun.

'Same song twice in an evening'


Zach and Jack finally showed up to the club. Zach not really thinking the fake moustache and I.D would work. Yet, was surprised when him and Jack did make it in.

Then they seen that Daniel and Corbyn had also made it in. But, where was Jonah?

Jonah, unfortunately, didn't make it in. As he got to the entrance of the place, the security guard immediately told him to leave. That he looked underage. Even when he showed him his I.D.

So Jonah sat on a fountain side by the club, thinking about how this night slightly got worse. But as long as the other 4 were having fun, that made Jonah crack a smile.

Macklemore was someone no one thought of seeing that night. Yet, Macklemore didn't get the royalty treatment he usually got at clubs. He simply got the "Wait in line like everyone else."

Macklemore thought about how he shouldn't have come and that he could've just stayed laying on his couch watching the bachelor.

So when he got to the end of the line, he didn't expect to see Jonah on his phone, playing video games.

"Yo, Jonah. What the hell are you doing man?" Jonah sighed, "got kicked out. Apparently I'm too yOuNg. Yet, the other 4 got in. I'm literally taller than all of them." Jonah explained.

So, Macklemore and Jonah decided to sneak in. Even if they both knew they didn't want to be there.

"Thanks again man." Jonah thanked Mack, as he did a handshake with him.
"No problem man, I better get going no-"



You can hear everyone scream. "That's why. See ya Jonah. Tell the rest I said 'sup.'" Jonah nodded.

Zach was having a great time. That was until, girls tried to hook up with him. That made Zach uncomfortable to the point he wanted to go home.

And he could tell the others wanted to leave as well. Except for Corbyn, he was still partying.

Zach saw the way Jonah stood there, taking a few sips of the drinkhe held, talking to some guy about something that was to boring.

Jack sat there watching everyone else having a good time. Then Jack felt something cold fall down his back. Someone's drink.

'To think that I waited just for someone to spill there drink all over me' Jack thought as he got up to clean himself.

That's when he walked by Daniel, who was getting hit on. From the way Daniel was pushing them away, tears falling from his eyes, Jack assumed that he should step in and intervene.

So Jack made his way towards the two guys, grabbing them by their shoulders, "hey fellas! What's going on here?" jack questioned, as they looked down at him, hurting his ego.

The two men look back at eachother, laughing, making Jacks ego progressively go down more. "none of yer business boy, now get out of here," the man laughed, pushing Jack away with his broad shoulder, "and let us have our fun."

Jack looked at Daniel who was obviously staring back at him, clueless on what to do in this situation, "alright suit yourself, didn't want to have to get the big guns out, but since you are so persistent with trying, it's my only option!" jack put his hands up, clearing his throat.

The two men stopped running their hands down Daniel to turn to the curly haired boy, confused on he what he was talking about,"you can't take us, you're a puny little boy, your punches won't hurt a fly!" the men bursted into laughter.

Jack sighed, shaking his head, "you leave me no choice," he got onto a chair, and cupped his hands over his mouth, "CORBYN! DANIEL NEEDS YOU! -HEY! -" just as quick as he got up, he was pulled down, and pushed against the wall by one of the guys.

"this isn't a movie where you can just yell for someone and they come help! Better start saying your prayers boy-"


"Get your filthy hands off my boyfriend!" Corbyn yelled running through the crowd of people who were in their own minds, before taking a swing at the guy touching Daniel. Jonah took a swing at the guy that had Jack pinned to the wall.

The two men let go of the vulnerable boy they had trapped, and started going for Jonah and Corbyn. Daniel got up quickly, and stood by Zach and Jack who made sure they didn't leave any marks.

"You okay, Dani?" Zach asked, as Jack decided to join and fight the two men. "I'm okay, Z." Daniel replied, holding onto the youngest like his life depended on it.

"Alright you little midget. Get off me! Get this fucker off me!" One of the guys yelled, as Jack was clawing at him from his back.

"I AM-" Jack punched him. "NOT A-" Jack got off his back and punched his stomach. "GODDAMN MIDGET!" Jack kneed the guy in the place where no guy wants to be hit at.

As for Corbyn, he head butted the other guy, and then kneed him where the place doesn't shine. "mess with my baby again, we'll have more problems." Corbyn spat.

"That was great guys. You really stood up for Daniel." Zach said. "He's family. I would've done it for any of you guys." Jonah spoke, inspecting Daniel. Making sure he was okay.

"Thank you guy-" of course Daniel got interrupted.

"Y'all get the HELL OUT OF THE CLUB!" A guard from the front yelled at them. Then looked at Jonah, "didn't I say you couldn't come in here?" He asked.

"Erm. Don't recall. But, I better get goin-" the security guard grabbed them all by their shirts, hurting Jack and Daniel in the process.

"You hurt my baby. I swear to go-" before Corbyn got to finish, they all found themselves getting thrown out the club. Literally.

"Well that was one eventful night." Zach said. "You said it brother." Daniel sighed.

They all got up and headed back to the car they tokm, Jack and Zach taking the one they brought. Guess that club wasn't meant for them.

'Cause I Don't Belong In This Club'


Okay wow. And done. Hope you all enjoyed this 5 chapter story I made at 3 a.m. but I Don't really remember how half of this was. just enjoy. Bye

past me talking there, present me, hope you actually did enjoy, I really did not remember anything, and had to rewrite where jack intervenes with the guys LMAO


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