Chapter 35

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Max's pov

The next morning I went to school by myself, not wanting to deal with anyone's drama

Having taken my meds, I avoided them all through the morning until lunch because I was loopy as hell

Unfortunately, I encountered an entirely different problem

During music class I was seated beside a girl who had tattoos and Mrs Lucy was especially cheerful today which pissed me off for some reason

"Alright class, put away all your books so we can begin our test, and for those who don't do well on this test, you will have the opportunity to make up for it by singing in front of the class " she said with a sickeningly cheerful voice

"Tch " I scoffed angrily earning a chuckle from the dark haired girl beside me

"At least it's funny to you " I muttered frowning

To my surprise she looked at me and gave me a coy smirk

"What's so far up your ass huh blondie? " she asked innocently

I frowned and looked at the paper Mrs Lucy passed out and my heart sank

I didn't understand most of these and I silently cursed myself for not paying attention. I eventually answered what I knew and guessed my way through the rest before submitting my test sheet

"Now for those of you who aren't sure of a good test result, raise your hands so I can take down your names. You will sing for the class " Mrs Lucy said

I belatedly raised my hand and so did the girl next to me

"Are you sure Violet? We wouldn't want a repeat of last time..." Mrs Lucy said in a low tone and Violet nodded

I tore out a piece of paper and scribbled on it before passing it to her

Violet huh?

She smirked but before she could respond Mrs Lucy called me out

"Max, you'll start " she said

I went to the front of the class and I realized I hadn't prepared what I'd sing. I eventually sang whatever came to my head and went back to my seat

"Max huh? " she smirked and I shook my head and rolled my eyes

After class I was on my way out when Mrs Lucy called me back

"Yes ma'am? " I replied

"I want to talk to you " she said and everyone in the class filed out until it was just the two of us

She went straight to the point.

"Max, I've heard you sing three times now but this last time was different from the others. Don't get me wrong, it's still a breathtaking performance but it's like that light isn't there anymore....I don't know how to explain it " she trailed off and I understood perfectly what she was aiming at

"I appreciate your concern but I assure you I'm fine " the lie slipped out without struggle

"Okay, if you ever need to talk to anyone you can go to the school counselor or you can come to me okay? "

I nodded and left

Aa I was walking through the hallways I heard a voice panting behind me

"For fuck's sake stop! Is this how you repay someone who waited for you? Do you have engines in your legs or something? " Violet said with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath

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