Chapter 20

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Max's pov

I woke up at 7:15 pm courtesy of the alarm I set earlier and looked at my phone and saw a text from Roxy showing me her address

I got ready and put on a black hoodie with black jeans and put my masks in my duffel bag and then I walked out of my room and out of the house

As I locked the door I looked over at Veronica's house and a pang of guilt struck me at the thought of lying to her but I brushed it off

She's safer not knowing

I went to my motorcycle and got on and took one last glance at her window

"I'm sorry angel " I muttered and rode off to Roxy's place

Arriving at exactly 7:55pm I waited a small distance away until I saw her walk out the front door then I pulled up right in front of her

She was dressed in all black: a black hoodie and black jeans with combat boots and a black bandanna over her hair

"My mask is in my bag " she said when she saw the look I gave her

I nodded
"Let's go " I said

She got on and I zoomed off taking various turns in case anyone was tailing us and finally we got to the fight club at 8:07pm.

I turned off the engine and took off my helmet, we both got off and I led the way to the door, we put on our masks and walked in

Once we got inside I was on full alert, the place was packed so I assumed there was a fight tonight.

When we got to the room for fighters only we were stopped by the bouncers

"No one's allowed beyond this point "  one of them said

"White Savage " I said pulling up my hoodie a little to show my mask

"Oh my apologies " he said and quickly let me through

"And who are you? " the other one put an arm in front of Roxy stopping her

"Queen of Pain " she said in a cold tone

They were visibly shaken

"Oh wow, I'm sorry my queen, it's been so long " they quickly stepped aside and she walked through

"We went to the training area and began working with the equipment and after a period of 30 minutes we sparred for exactly 10 minutes.

I could see that she had definitely improved since we last fought but there were still areas I pointed out to her that she could improve on and after four hours she was able to land several impressive combinations on me.

We took a break and while she was drinking from a bottle of water, I kept going at the punching bag with deadly focused blows until a loud cheer made me stop

Roxy who had been watching me, went to the door

"Let's go watch the fights, hopefully I'll see someone worth fighting " she smirked before putting her mask back on

I put mine on as well and followed her, we got to a point at the top of the arena but with a set of stairs going straight down to the cage.

Currently there were two fighters going at it and one was completely dominating the other guy, from his skills I figured he was a rank two fighter and he was good but nowhere near as good as I am

I looked at Roxy who tilted her head at me and I knew that she was gonna take him so I went to the announcer and gave him the news and then made my way to the cage where Roxy was also standing watching him

Eventually he put the other guy out of his misery and the ref counted to three and it was over

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for the sadistic Bloodlust! " the announcer spoke

But Bloodlust signaled for a mic and he held up a hand

"Thank you, but this is way too easy. I need a challenge "

He looked around and spotted me and his eyes lit up

"I can see we have White Savage in the building "

The crowd cheered

"So how bout it, hot shot? You're one of the few undefeated guys here so let's see if you can take me on " he said cockily

I looked again at Roxy and she whispered

"I'll take

I smirked and motioned for a mic

"Well Bloodlust, it's very admirable that you want to get your ass kicked by me but you won't be fighting me, you'll be fighting someone who's almost as good as myself "

Roxy rolled her eyes

"But I like your fire, so tell you what, if you can beat her, I'll take you on " I finished

"So I'm fighting some girl? Fine whatever bring her on " he said nonchalantly

"Now that you've agreed, ladies and gentlemen! We have our fighters! The sadistic Bloodlust versus the returning she demon...... The Queen Of Pain! " I announced and the crowd went wild as Roxy stepped into the cage with Bloodlust who for a moment was scared shitless but he hid it well enough

Once the bell went, I immediately saw the tactics Roxy was using, she let him attack her and even when she was on the offensive she was constantly gaging him observing his weak spots and adjusted jer hits to those areas

He landed some good hits on her though but I maintained a passive state because I could see that her punches, although sharp were not as lethal as they could've been

She was planning something

Sure enough as he threw the next punch she ducked and got him hard in the ribs with her knee before knocking her elbow at the back of his head knocking him out

"One! Two! Three! It's over!! " the ref called the match and the crowd cheered

She took her money and stuffed it in her bag and waited for several minutes while I went to fight, my two fights were straightforward and uneventful and I took my money and we both left the club

We got on my motorcycle and zoomed off, by the time we reached her place it was 2:05am and she told me to park a small distance away while she climbed in through her window

I waited for a couple minutes in case someone had followed us but saw nothing and I zoomed off home and went straight to my room and took off my clothes and soon drifted off to sleep hoping my insomnia wouldn't disturb my sleep this time


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