Chapter 41

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Max's pov

I knocked on her door and waited for a moment before she opened the door

She was surprised and behind her I could see a couple of suitcases already packed and ready to go

"So you're really leaving? " I said quietly

She nodded wordlessly before turning to go

I grabbed her hand and she looked at me and I could see tears in her eyes

"Why? "

She shook her head and tried to get out of my grip

I let her go as I stepped inside despite her attempts to keep me out and I closed the door behind me

"We have to talk, and you better believe that I'm not letting you leave until we do " I said matter of factly

She stared at me for a moment before sighing and ushering me into the living room

She got us drinks and we both sat down opposite each other as I waited for her to explain why she decided to leave and more importantly where she's going

"I don't know what you want me to say, it's obvious you hate me now so why do you care that I'm leaving? " she looked at me

"I never said I hated you Debra, even though I was close... until I realized that after all said and done, it was still my fault " I admitted

"No Max, I'm the one who- "

"You just made it happen but I'm the one who fell for it, I was stupid enough to drop my drink and let her drug me, I couldn't push you away fast enough because of that. It's still my fault even though you played a big part in it... I don't hate you Debra, I blame myself " I said looking at her

She was shocked and I could see a protest in her eyes but she knew that she couldn't convince me otherwise and she sighed

"I never wanted us to end up this way... " she muttered looking down

"Me either..."

She raised her eyes to meet mine

"This is why I have to leave Max, I can't stay. I'll always be a constant reminder of what happened and I don't want that " she explained

"You've been too good to me to have to endure that pain "

She tried to make me understand, to make me let her go and I could see the determination in her eyes

"I can't talk you out of this can I? " I muttered

She shook her head wordlessly with a sad smile on her face

"You'll be better off without me and you know it " she replied

I shook my head and stood up

She mirrored my actions with a curious look

I walked up to her and did something I never thought I'd do

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly

She was shocked and for a full minute she couldn't move but she eventually hugged back, her head resting on my chest and a tear rolling down her cheek

"It's the opposite actually " I whispered in her ear, surprising her

"It's clear that you'll be fine without me, I just know it. No matter what happens, we'll always be friends Debra. Nothing can change that. I know you'll be okay. You'll definitely find someone that cares about you more than I ever could...someone who can love you the way you deserve " I spoke with my own emotions threatening beneath the surface but I forced them down

She pulled away a bit and looked at me with tears in her eyes

"You will too " she whispered

I let out a sad smile and shook my head

"It's too late for me " I said quietly

She hugged me tightly and cried into my shirt

"Shhh, you'll be okay Deborita " I cooed rubbing her back

"You still remember? " she asked surprised, her voice muffled by my shirt, referring to the pet name I used to call her

"Of course " I said as she hugged me tighter

"We'll always be friends, no matter what "

She nodded wordlessly and pulled away after a while

"Let's get this stuff out to the car " I said

I helped her get her stuff out to her car and we exchanged numbers before hugging for the last time

"You won't do anything stupid.....right? " she asked

I knew what she was referring to and I sighed

"I don't make promises I can't keep " I replied

She shook her head before kissing my cheek, stepping back

"Goodbye Max " she said with a sad smile

"I'll miss you " I said

She got into her car and drove away waving back

I waved back until she was out of sight

"Goodbye Debra "

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