Chapter 12

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Max's pov

The weekend went by way too quickly, barely had enough sleep to even wake up today but here we are on a damn Monday, dressed in a blue hoodie and black jeans, my injuries healed despite my continued fights over the weekend- yes I kept fighting every night for 5 days straight and no I didn't fight more than two fighters back to back- so now I'm back to full strength, I'm considerably more loaded with the cash I won from my fights so I should feel great right?


Still feel like complete shit for obvious reasons but I'm gonna ignore it and get through today... hopefully

Anyway as I get in my jaguar I take out a bottle of tequila-now I know what you're thinking... why the heck am I drinking at this time and why am I even drinking at all?- well the answer is simple, drinking calms me down when I'm stressed so yeah, it's necessary. Besides it's not like I'm getting drunk so whatever

Arriving at school, I step out after using a split second to put my fake emotions in order-which is basically me preparing to display emotions that normal people do because I don't feel anything anymore-so on reaching the entrance I'm swarmed by Luke, Shawn and Don (the guy who introduced me to his friends a couple days ago) they're all on the soccer team and apparently they're all buzzing about a party this Friday being hosted by some dude called Lex who also happens to be on the team

"Dude it's gonna be sooo lit " Shawn said

"Totally bro, I can't wait " Don smirked "finally a chance to meet some actually pretty girls without the bitch squad interfering "

Now this surprised me because I actually thought they were friends with the "bitch squad " as he so nicely put it, so this came as a nice surprise

"So this party.... what's so special about it? " I asked curiously "I mean I've been to my fair share of parties so what makes this one so important? "

" I swear Max if you weren't new I'd wonder how dead your social life is " Shawn chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder before he explained " you already know Lex is on the team but dude he throws the absolute best parties and he's also one of our best pals, his house is huge too, like a damn mansion! He's also got the latest games on his ps5, and he knows a couple guys in the police department so no matter what happens at the party, we never get busted so whenever he organizes a party, it's a really big deal cuz he doesn't do it often..... kinda adds to the vibe too "

Laughing I put my hands in my hoodie pockets "sounds like he's the king of parties around here "

Luke shook his head laughing "Did you not hear everything Shawn just said? He's the absolute GOD of partying bro "

"No fucking cap " Don agreed

"In that case I'm definitely gonna turn up " I grinned and said bye to the guys cuz we had different classes and I caught a glimpse of Veronica at the end of the hallway, looking at me and I rolled my eyes and went to class which I unfortunately had with her.... hell I have all my classes with her

Just fucking great

As I sat there wondering why the heck anyone would make English class the first class of the day I could feel Veronica's eyes on me but I ignored her, which is what I plan on doing for as long as I deem fit


Yup, cuz I'm nice like that

As I was zoning out, Mr Luke decided to ask me a question on something I can't even remember, so now I'm in that wonderful -note the sarcasm- situation where he's expecting an answer and I'm completely lost so all I can say is "sorry sir, can you repeat the question? "

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