Chapter 6

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Max's POV

As I got ready for school Veronica was the only thing on my mind

Do I have feelings for her?

No, we just met, besides she'd never go for someone like me.

With these thoughts I left the house and took my black Lambourghini and drove to school and immediately I arrived I was crowded by the popular kids and they more or less forced me to go to class with them.

I caught Veronica's eye and she looked hurt but tried to hide it I sent her a look that said we'll talk later and she nodded.

Classes as usual were boring and lunch time finally came and one of my teammates on the soccer team told me to sit with him and his friends.

His "friends" included Brittney and her friends who also looked like sluts and a few guys.

Since I had decided to change for Veronica I decided to make some friends.

"Hi I'm Luke " a brown haired boy said

"I'm Shawn " a dude with jet black hair said

"I'm Tina " a girl with blonde hair purred

"I'm Sasha " another girl with brown hair said in an equally annoying flirtatious voice

"You remember me don't you Max? " the sluttiest of them all, Brittney practically pulled me down beside her and began to talk to me about anything and everything but I wasn't listening cuz Veronica came into the cafeteria and sat at her usual empty table.

"Guys I gotta go be back soon "
I said and hurriedly went to sit with Veronica.

She looked up at me and smiled.

That smile just made my day. What? No! I can't think like that.

I smiled back at her and asked the question I've been dying to ask her.

"Are you mad at me? "

"What are you talking about? " she replied,

"When I was going to class today you looked a bit hurt or mad " I said sighing "Look I didn't want to go with them I -"

She cut me off "Max I'm not mad, besides I can't stop you from making friends " she said with her eyes turned down.

"Look I -,"

"Max! Why aren't you sitting with us? " Tina came up and stopped when she saw Veronica.

"Oh you're here with this slut, come on back she'll get her germs all over you "

I watched Veronica lower her eyes and remain quiet and I felt the rage building up inside me until I snapped

"Shut the hell up Tina! Don't you ever talk to her like that again or you'll have me to deal with understand? Now get the fuck out of here before I lose my temper "

Whoa, don't know where that came from, you know what? Fuck not talking to anyone I'll talk as much as I please

She hurriedly left, almost tripping on her platform heels.

I turned to Veronica and I asked "She's the one that Chad used to cheat on you? "

She nodded and smiled "You didn't have to do that "

The words that came out of my mouth next shocked even me

"She had no right to talk to you like that, just forget about her, you're the only one I care about Veronica "

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