Chapter 14

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Max's pov

As we stopped in front of her house we looked at each other

She spoke first "So does this mean we're.... "

"I'd like that " I smiled and kissed her softly for a few seconds

"I can't get over how good it feels " I chuckled

"What? " she looked at me

"Your lips on mine " I replied and a blush coated her cheeks

"Stop teasing " she hid her face with her hair

"I'm serious, it's amazing " I smiled

She smiled back and we got out of the car

"See you tomorrow princess " I winked and went into my house

I can't deny the incredible feeling that I experienced, all I knew was that I liked Veronica, a lot


The next morning, I wore a black jacket over a white shirt with black jeans and some black Nike shoes and I got out after eating my breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs and I got in the car waiting for Veronica who I'd called earlier and she said she'd be down in ten

While waiting, my mind replayed everything that happened yesterday and I realized that I'd have to tell Veronica about my PTSD soon, but I didn't know how, I was scared she'd leave if she knew. I felt in my pockets for the pills that helped yesterday, they were still there.

I sighed, I was gonna have to tell her sooner or later but I want us to enjoy what we have for now so I pushed those thoughts away for now as she came in and buckled up

"Sorry I delayed " she smiled sheepishly

"It's no problem princess, besides you look beautiful " I smiled

"I like it when you smile, you should do it more often " she said with a hint of admiration

"As long as you're by my side, I will " I replied honestly

I could see her blush again, this time more intensely

As we arrived in school we both went to our lockers because we had math class first and we met our friends waiting for us

"So? " Noah said looking at both of us

"What? " Veronica asked

"Oh cut the crap already, are you together now? " Roxy said with excitement

"Well, there's no point hiding it. Yeah, we're together " I confirmed

Roxy smiled, Jess squealed, Luke, Don and Shawn had identical grins and Noah picked Veronica up and started twirling her around

"About time " Shawn patted my back

"I knew you'd end up together " Luke folded his arms smiling

Don just punched my shoulder "took ya long enough "

"I told you princess, you had nothing to worry about " Noah said still holding Veronica close

I cleared my throat and pulled her to myself "Mine " I said with a smirk

"Awwww " Jess cooed

"Wish I had a possessive boyfriend " Roxy said laughing

"Yeah Shawn why aren't you like that with Jess? " Luke joked and Shawn hit him upside his head

"She's already mine bro, no one would dare touch what's mine so I rarely get the chance " Shawn put his arm around Jess who blushed

I couldn't help but notice the almost perfectly hidden sadness behind Noah's bright smiles, I should keep in mind that he liked Veronica too but he'll have to get over it soon I guess

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