Chapter 36

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Max's pov

I gave up on sleep and just started walking around, my new location was situated close to my special place, the one I showed Veronica.

It was at that same place that I currently sat and watched the sun rise, a sign of hope for others, nothing to be considered for me

Losing Veronica had taken its toll on me lately, I don't have enough strength to do anything, including dealing with people which is why I left Roxy and Jess yesterday

I'm done explaining myself to them all the time, I don't want to lash out at them because they don't deserve it so I'll keep my distance

I thought about everything that's happened in the past several months

I'd come to this new school, made friends and met the most amazing girl in existence

I'd finally gotten the courage to get her to be my girlfriend

For once in my life, I felt complete, happy

My friends were the best friends imaginable

But then I lost Veronica, and as a result I lost myself

She was everything to me, and I screwed up.

I won my three fights, the last one just barely

But it just didn't matter anymore

I lost the spark I once had

Now she was dating Noah and I had to accept it

She couldn't even tell me what was going on with Chad, she tried to hide the fact that he was threatening her, it bothered me because if he hadn't threatened me as well I'd have never found out

And now they all know about my decision and that was the last thing I wanted

I berated myself as I prepared for school for allowing that to happen

I thought about everything Jess had said and it simply didn't change my mind, I had to do it

None of them would understand

What about Veronica?

Her question hung over my head like an axe, it hurt to think that I'd be hurting Veronica but I had no choice

I loved her more than I loved myself, she taught me what love was, putting the people you love above everything else

And that's exactly what I'm doing by cutting ties with them

"It's for the best " I muttered as I got dressed for school

I threw on a black leather jacket over a black shirt and black jeans with some black boots

I took my motorcycle which was driven by Roxy after the fight and before I headed off to school, I got a call from Jerry

"Hey kid "

"Why are you calling me? I quit remember? " I said blankly

"Everyone here has agreed that we want something to remember you by so I'll text you where you should meet me and just come with your mask, that way we'll use it to motivate new fighters, it won't take any time, just a drop off " Jerry spoke

I agreed and he gave me a location that wasn't too far off from my way and I got my prized mask which was the most recognized one and headed to the location Jerry sent me

Once I got there, I got off my bike and walked towards the building where Jerry said he'd be, Jerry came out of the abandoned building with about a dozen other guys and they were all fighters I got along with really well during my time in the underground

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