Chapter 5

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Max's POV

"She said to leave her alone "

I said it with such venom that even I was surprised. The guy who was holding Veronica left her and walked up to me and sized me up. We were about the same height I was like a few centimeters taller than him. But he didn't know how angry I was and he made the wrong move by his next words.

"Or what? " he sneered, I lost it and punched him square across his jaw and followed it up with another and another and another until I lost count of how many times I punched him until he was bleeding from his nose and his left eye was swollen shut, then I stopped and looked at Veronica, she looked back at me and I said "I'm driving you home " and walked to my car. She followed me and we got in and drove away.

It was a silent ride until she broke it and said "Max I'm really sorry, I didn't mean any of the stuff I said I was just really confused and I didn't want to get hurt again, but by trying to protect myself I hurt you in the process. I didn't mean to hurt you........ I'm sorry ".

I stayed silent for a while thinking about what she said because we both had the same reason why we didn't trust people, we didn't want to get hurt so we were careful about who we let through our walls.

"It's okay Veronica, I understand, you didn't trust me..... I wasn't actually willing to open up to anyone either but... well... things happen... " I replied.

"Max I know I can trust you, even after everything I said you still came to help me when... I was in trouble " she paused for a few seconds and I was wondering who that guy was.

"Who was he? " I asked.

"Who....? Oh just an asshole don't worry. " she tried to change the subject but I didn't allow her.

"Don't lie to me Veronica, who is that guy? " I asked a little louder than I intended.

She sighed "He's my ex boyfriend Chad. "

"Oh.... " I actually didn't know what to say.

"Just forget about him he isn't important " I could see her trying hard not to cry, since we were already at her house I stopped the car and got out and opened the door for her and she got out.

"My parents are going to be out for a few months so we can go into my house. " She said softly but I heard her, we went into her room and it wasn't like I expected.

It was painted blue and white and the bed was by the window. Her study table was neat and tidy.

She sat on the bed and said "Make yourself comfortable "

Since we were talking about something important I decided to sit on the bed with her.

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to... " I said.

"No I have to say it so you know what's going on.... Chad was my ex, we broke up because he was cheating on me with Tina and he told me that he never really liked me but he just used me ......" she couldn't go on and she burst into tears.

I held her and tried to comfort her. She looked so hurt and broken and I held her closer and she kept her head on my chest and hugged me back, her cries gradually subsided until they became sniffles.

"I just wanted to be happy... was that too much to ask? " she said with her head still buried in my chest.

"No, it wasn't. It's not your fault. " I tried to console her, I rubbed her back and she said "Who hurt you to the point that you stopped talking to people? "

I stiffened

"No one " I tried to stand up but she pulled me back to the bed and forced me to look at her.

"Max, tell me ... please " she pleaded and I shrugged,

"Fine " I said, "Her name is Debra we were dating until a few months ago when I found her making out with my ex best friend Brad ever since then I haven't talked to anyone until... well... now. I didn't want anyone to know how I felt so I learned how to mask my emotions from everyone and that's why I don't talk to people anymore.... until you... " I looked in her eyes and I saw the same feelings I knew she would see in mine, pain, sadness and hurt, "Veronica, you're different, you're not like everyone else, that's why I trust you enough to talk to you about my past, I just don't want to feel any more pain I'm tired of trying to be happy because it never works out for me "

"Don't say that, you just need to find the right people who can make you happy again " she said

"I can't open up to people, Veronica because none of them ever stay... they all leave because of me... " I said quietly.

"I'm here, and I promise I won't leave you " she said softly.

I didn't say anything, I just looked deep into her eyes to know if she was lying but all I saw was truth and sincerity and then she hugged me. I was shocked at first but I relaxed and hugged her back and said "I think I should go before your parents come back "

"Goodni- what are you doing?!?!"
She shrieked.

"Jumping through the window, what does it look like? " I replied.

"You're gonna fall! " She retorted

"Nice to know that you care but don't worry, I do this all the time " and with that I jumped through her window and into my room cuz my window was open so I landed on my feet and turned around and saw her looking at me and I said "tah dah "

She laughed and said "goodnight Max "

"Goodnight Veronica " I said and we both closed our windows and I went and laid down shirtless and the last thing I thought about before I fell asleep was do I have feelings for Veronica?

So what do you guys think? Seriously tho writing books isn't as easy as I thought which is why I want you to know that I may not be posting chapters as frequently as I used to but I'll try to write like three chapters before I post one so you guys won't have to wait

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