Chapter 18

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Veronica's pov

After they'd left I turned back and tried unsuccessfully to take my mind off the issue but after several minutes I realized it was no use.

I looked up wondering why everyone had stopped talking and saw them all looking at me

"What? "

Roxy shrugged "Look, I get why you wanted them to talk but did you even think about Max's feelings in all this? I don't mean to be mean but we could all see that Max wasn't happy with it. "

Before I could react, Nicole spoke

"Listen V, I know you just wanted the whole issue to be over and done with but you need to consider his feelings too, considering what she did to him is still fresh in his mind, and so is the pain that she caused him. I can confidently tell you that the only reason he's talking to her right now is because you want him to " she explained.

I thought about it and I realized I shouldn't have insisted, but the fact that Max would go through with it just for me made my heart flutter

"I'll go check on him " I said standing up

They all agreed and I exited the cafeteria and started looking for them until I vividly heard voices from an empty class and as soon as I got to the door what I saw made my jaw drop

Max and Debra kissing


Max's pov

As soon as I realized what was happening I pushed her off me and glared at her

"What the hell was that?! " I spat angrily, she was still smiling at something behind me and I turned around and saw Veronica at the door

"Veronica, I swear it's not what it looks like " I cried and at that moment I hated myself because that's the same thing Debra told me when I caught her with Brad

But Veronica didn't even look at me as she walked right up to Debra whose smile slowly faded and in that moment Veronica did what I wasn't expecting at all

She slapped Debra. Hard

"That's for daring to kiss my boyfriend " she spat

Debra who staggered back from the impact of the slap retorted while holding her cheek "What do you mean? He kissed me back so maybe he's not completely committed to you after all- " but she was cut off by a punch to the gut which sent her to her knees courtesy of Veronica

"Now I'm gonna make this crystal clear so even a dumb bitch like you can understand, don't ever cross me again and stay away from what's mine, desperate slut " she sneered before walking away and I began trailing her until we were back at the cafeteria and she walked to the table and sat down without even looking at me

"So what happened? " Jess asked

"Nothing " Veronica said

"Doesn't sound like nothing to me " Shawn pointed out

"I got there and found Max's lips all over Debra's, happy now? " she snapped

"She kissed me! " I shot back

"I'm not in the mood to talk about this " she shook her head

"It's not my fault, yunno " I said

But she immediately stood up and walked away

I stood up "Veronica! Wait! "

But she didn't even look at me when she spoke "I need some time alone to think, just leave me alone "

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