Chapter 42

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Max's pov

I drove home and went up to my room looking around before I jumped on my bed exhausted

"It's been a long day " I muttered into my pillow, I turned over and faced the ceiling

She's gone

I sighed heavily as I reminisced on all the things we'd been through as friends, when we were dating and when we broke up from then to where we are now.

I sat up and looked at the window

It's all falling apart and it's all my fault. If I'd just held on to my drink, I wouldn't have kissed her and Veronica...

A tear rolled down my cheek as my facade finally crumbled

She never even loved you in the first place

I shut my eyes as a second tear made it's way down

Everything is my fault, it always has been. What's the point of going on?

Slowly, I stood up and made my way to my bathroom where I kept the only thing that could keep me sane

"Been a while old friend " I muttered as I held the blade to my skin


I went to school today with my wrists bandaged and hidden under the sleeves of my hoodie

As I walked through the doors, my façade was back on and I walked straight to my first class completely ignoring the calls of the others.

As I sat through class after class, it slowly dawned on me that final exams were coming soon

I looked straight at the teacher and tried to concentrate but my thoughts were still running wild

I've skipped so many times and the classes I do end up attending, I've barely been paying attention, I haven't even been studying. What if I'm not ready by the time we start the finals? What if I fail? What then? What if....?

The bell rang, breaking me out of my panic mode and I realized that I was shaking and sweating and I'd been clenching my fists so hard that the pen I was holding was broken. I quickly shook my head and walked out of the class to lunch

Luckily for me the cafeteria was unusually unoccupied and the table we usually sat was empty so I simply went there and sat down with my head on the table trying to calm myself down

After what must've been ten minutes, the cafeteria began to fill up and the others sat around the table

"Dude, that was so badass how you told Mr Cooper off like that " Luke said, excitement clearly etched in his voice

"It's nowhere near as funny as when Mr Cooper actually tried to stop him from leaving and slipped and fell into a batch of chemicals that turned his hair pink! " Noah chimed in

Everyone laughed

By this time my head was up and I was pretending to listen to them.

Basically from what I gathered, they were doing a science experiment and Mr Cooper showed them a wrong method to get a particular chemical so Shawn ended up telling him off and showing the class the right way and then leaving. As Mr Cooper tried to stop him, he slipped on some liquid on the floor and fell into a batch of chemicals and his hair became a bright pink color

Huh, guess I really was listening

The conversation gradually shifted to another topic and I unconsciously tuned them out while I was thinking about everything that's happened recently and I began to get really anxious as I realized that up until now, Chad hadn't done anything concerning his threat to Veronica and I. It was becoming alarmingly obvious that something was wrong somewhere because he didn't strike me as the type to make empty threats and yet as I look around the cafeteria I can't spot him anywhere. What if...?

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