Chapter 25

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Max's pov

A week later

I was coming back from the fight club and I saw Veronica waiting for me at my front door

At first she was scared because I was still wearing my mask and I was in all black but when I took off my mask her scared look turned to confusion

"Max what the hell?! Why are you wearing a mask- " I covered her mouth because she was raising her voice and I quickly took her inside and once the door was shut she exploded

"Max! You better tell me what's going on right now or else! " she was fuming

I sighed and set down the duffel bag and looked at her angry expression

"I'm a fighter angel " I said quietly

"You mean....? " slowly realization spread across her face and I nodded

"So that day, when you came to school with bruises.... "

I nodded again looking down

"Why would you keep this from me? Wait, that story you told me about your friend was a lie wasn't it? The stupid bet of two million? " she asked with hurt in her voice

I nodded sadly before explaining everything about the fight club to her including how the others found out

She began to walk away before I grabbed her hands

"Veronica I'm sorry, I didn't want to lie to you, I wanted to protect you " I pleaded

She wrenched her arms away in anger

"Protect me? Oh sure, use the oldest lie in the book " she spat, clearly hurt

"Angel there are dangerous people there, and I don't want them to use you to get to me, I didn't want them to hurt you " I tried to explain

"You should have told me..... I need to go " she said as she left my house despite my attempts to explain


I felt like shit for the remaining four days leading up to my second fight

It was my fault

Roxy noticed it and demanded that I tell her what happened

I told her that Veronica found out about my fights and she wasn't surprised

"She was going to find out sooner or later, you knew that yet you still kept it from her "

I sighed as she continued

"You hid this, you're hiding your PTSD, what else are you hiding from her Max? " she looked at me and my mind instantly went to Debra and those photos and I put my face in my hands

Just then a message came in and I quickly grabbed my phone thinking it was Veronica who I'd been calling nonstop since she left the other day but it was simply a text from the unknown number, Debra.

Look you're making this harder than it's supposed to be, I may have drugged you but you know that what you had with her would have never lasted, come back to me. We'll be happy together

I stared at the text for I don't know how long and I didn't know Roxy had already read it over my shoulder, the sound of her taking a picture brought me back to my senses and I quickly deleted the message and looked at Roxy who backed away and locked her phone

"Why would you take a picture of that? " I asked incredulously

"Someone is manipulating you, someone drugged you and you're hiding it from Veronica?! Are you that dumb Max?! " she yelled

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