Chapter 22

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Max's pov

As we got to there, by 8:30 cuz Roxy insisted we go a bit late, the party was in full swing. The music was booming and we could even see some drunk teens around the house, either making out or playing around.

As we got inside, we were met by a tall black haired, guy with tattoos on both forearms and eyes, black as night

"Hey Lex, been a while " Roxy hugged him and he smiled

"How's it going Roxy, Shawn arrived a bit earlier, they're in the kitchen " he grinned then his eyes fell on me

"You must be the new guy, nice to meet you, I'm Lex " he extended his hand and I shook it

"Max, quite a party you got going man " I replied

"You haven't seen anything yet bro, come in, come in let's have fun " he ushered us into the more than spacious living room where most of the people were drinking and dancing. He pointed to the kitchen where we could see Nicole Jess Don and Luke taking shots and Shawn watching them amused

We waved to Lex as he went to welcome more guests and made our way to the kitchen

"Hey, you guys made it " Don cheered

"So Max, what do you think of the party so far? " Luke asked with a sly smile

"Dude I've barely been in here five minutes " I grinned

We all laughed

"Hey, since we're all here let's take a shot and hit the dance floor " Jess grinned

We all took a shot except for Roxy and Shawn obviously, then we got on the dance floor and Luke was cracking everyone up with his moves which were good but he just had to make them crazy as hell

Roxy and Jess were also letting loose while Shawn who was dancing, was just staring at Jess with what could only be described as love in his eyes

Noah was no where to be seen and Don who had joined us for a bit left to get more drinks

Veronica was laughing and dancing with me and seeing her happy was all it took for me to forget everything else and dance away the night with her

After a while, Veronica and the girls were still dancing and the guys and I just watched them tear up the dance floor

I looked at Shawn who was still staring at Jess

"You love her don't you? " I elbowed him

He quickly snapped out of it and looked at me, embarrassed

"Is it that obvious? " he smiled

I nodded grinning

"Have you told her? " I asked and he nodded smiling

"She's just so perfect, she's beautiful, amazing, kind- " he said

"Hey are you talking about your girl or mine? " I joked and he laughed along

"Look man, you've got a real keeper, I see the way you two look at each other, even when you fight you still end up together, you love each other but you're both scared to admit it. " he finished looking at me

I shook my head "Every time I fall in love, something goes wrong, I just don't want us to end up the same way. I care about her more than anyone else in the world, I don't wanna lose her " I admitted

"You'll never know till you man up and tell her how you feel. Even though I know she feels the same way " he chuckled

"Thanks man " we fist bumped and I looked at Veronica again

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