Chapter 21

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Max's pov

Woke up unsurprisingly by 5am and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower, I got dressed and ate breakfast and even while taking as much time as possible I was still ready by 7:00

I went to Veronica's and knocked on the door, I heard shuffling from upstairs and she yelled "Come in "

I walked in and closed the door.

She came down the stairs dressed and gave me a kiss on the cheek smiling

"Morning Max " she said before going to the kitchen to make her breakfast "Want some? " she asked

"Don't worry angel I already ate " I smiled and she made herself breakfast consisting of several peanut butter sandwiches

Once she was ready we walked out hand in hand to my car and sped off to school

We arrived at 7:35am, an all time high in our punctuality record.

Well mine anyway

We walked in and it didn't take long before we were surrounded by our friends who for some reason were early too

"You guys know what day it is right? " Luke said looking excited

"Uh yeah. It's Friday " I deadpanned while taking what I need from my locker

"He's talking about the party tonight " Jess rolled her eyes

"Oh yeah, the party. " I shrugged "I totally forgot "

"Dude how could you possibly forget one of Lex's parties? It's like an abomination " Luke pointed at me in fake horror

"Luke bro, chill out. At the end of the day it's still a party " Shawn chuckled

"Yeah, don't get your balls in a twist " Roxy rolled her eyes

"You guys are so boring I swear " Luke grunts

Nicole walks over to us and his frown is instantly replaced with a smile

"Hey Nikki " he beamed

"Hey Luke " she smiled

"Shall we tell them? " Luke asked grinning

"Yeah, they should know " she replied

This caught Veronica's attention

"Tell us what? " she asked

"Well, Nikki and I..... are officially a thing " Luke was grinning from ear to ear

"I told you not to call it a thing, dumbass " she elbowed him smiling

"My bad, we're officially in a relationship " Luke corrected himself

"I'm so happy for you girl " Veronica hugged Nicole tightly

"About time " Roxy smirked high fiving Luke

"Congrats man " Shawn punched him in the shoulder playfully

"Damn, now me and Noah are the only ones without girlfriends " Don groaned

We all laughed

The bell rang and we went to our different classes

First period was uneventful except for the confident looks I was getting from Debra and the lustful looks from Brittney. I could care less about Brittney but Debra worried me

That look only meant that she had a plan of some sort that could never fail, according to her anyway.

By fourth period I was already unnerved by it and by sixth period, the only thing that calmed me down was Veronica who sat beside me and every once in a while I'd grab her hand and give it a squeeze as if to reassure myself that she was still there

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