Chapter 37

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Max's pov

Weeks passed as I laid in bed, I hadn't gone out since that day, my phone, thankfully, had died so I didn't get any more calls from the others. By the fourth week I was even worse than I was when she broke up with me

I was a mess

I hadn't eaten any food in weeks, just the occasional ice cream in between the rivers of alcohol I drowned myself in, I hadn't showered or done anything else in the past month, I just laid there wishing I could die but I just couldn't. The pain was eating me alive and my thoughts weren't helping

Was I so unlovable?

Was that why Veronica never loved me? Was I really that bad?

I groaned into my pillow and slowly sat up

I looked around

Empty bottles littered the room and I realized I needed to at least clean up a bit

The next hour or so was spent tidying up and disposing all the trash

I decided to plug in my phone and as soon as I turned it on, a call came in

I was tempted to ignore it but when I saw the caller ID I froze

I picked it up

"Mom? "

"Hey honey, we'll be arriving back home later today. I have no idea why you're on your phone in school but we'll talk about it when we're back. We've missed you sweetheart, we'll be back around 6pm okay? " she said

"Okay, bye " I said quietly

"Bye honey " she said cheerfully as I ended the call

Come to think of it, they're not aware of anything that's happened in the past several months so I won't have to put up an act around them. I'll just pretend to be sick so I can stay home from school

After I was done tidying up the place I took my motorcycle and drove back to my main house and I started arranging whatever was out of place

All the empty bottles left in the house were dutifully disposed of or recycled and within an hour, everything was ready for their arrival

By the time I had finished dumping  the last set of trash bags, it was just 2:30pm so I locked up the house and went for a drive around town

I needed to sort out my thoughts so that I'd be prepared for anything that may happen so I drove for a couple hours before I went to refill my tank

I stopped at a local fast food restaurant and got some food which I took back home with me and I went up to my room and had the first real meal I'd had in a month, all because I didn't want my mom to know that I haven't been eating

After my little meal, I took my laptop out and began watching anime, Tokyo Revengers to be exact.

I was at episode 16 when my doorbell rang and I looked at the time which read 5:50pm and I paused the show and went downstairs and unlocked the door, only to be engulfed in a huge hug from my mom

"I missed you so much sweetheart, how have you been? " she asked as she let go

"Alright I guess " I gave her a very small smile


My dad also hugged me but it was more of a men's handshake type of thing

"Good to see you kiddo " he said and I nodded, maintaining the fake smile

That evening was mostly spent on them telling me what they'd been up to and more use of my fake smiles and nods

I eventually laid in bed, drifting in and out of sleep within 20-30 minute intervals

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