Chapter 40

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Max's pov

The weekend was spent playing games and drinking when shit got too much to handle and by Monday I was walking into school with my signature blank look as I got what I needed from my locker

"Glad you're back "

I turned to see Violet standing behind me with a small smile on her face

I shrugged
"How have you been? " I asked

"I've been alright I guess, Don has been really sweet. We started dating a week and a half ago " she said trying to hide her growing smile as she was talking about him

"That's great, I'm happy for you " I said honestly

"You'll find someone, i just know it " she said with a sincere smile

"I already did "

I walked away as I said that and went to my first class of the day, trying to pay attention so I don't fail


Lunch came around and we were all seated and everyone was chatting and I was simply sitting there toying with my food until Debra showed up

"Max! I was so worried! "

She threw her arms around me and I stiffened

Despite the fact that I understood why she did what she did a part of me still hates her for ruining the best thing that ever happened to me

I removed her hands and stood up to face her

"What do you want? " I said blankly

"Um, I was wondering if we could talk.....please " she said quietly

The others were looking at us now and I looked at her pleading expression

"No "

I turned around and sat down

The others looked surprised and Debra was hurt but I couldn't care less

"O-kay... sorry for bothering you "

Her voice quivered as she walked away earning an eye roll from me

I took a bite out of my lunch and noticed them all staring

"What? " I raised a brow

"That was a little harsh man, despite everything she was still really worried about you " Luke pointed out

I scoffed

"Doesn't matter, I don't want anything to do with her " I stated

"Just talk to her Max, she seemed really down " Jess pleaded

"Why are you all so intent on me talking to her? " I asked

"Because it's the right thing to do and you know it. Just hear what she has to say at least " Roxy put in

"Ugh fine " I frowned and walked off to find Debra

I heard sobs from the direction of the lockers and as I followed the sounds I saw Debra sitting on the floor, her head on her forearms which were resting on her knees that she'd tucked to her chest

Her sobs were muted, probably because she didn't want to be too loud, she looked distraught

"Hey "

She looked up, startled

"Sorry.....I'll uh... " she stammered as she scrambled to her feet abruptly and made to leave when I grabbed her hand

"Don't go " I said gently

"B-but I thought..."

"I want to hear what you have to say, that's it " I said

She sniffed as she wiped her tears

"I just wanted to say that I'm so- "

"If all you're gonna do is apologize then don't bother. It changes nothing " I said bluntly

She hung her head

"Well....I also wanted to tell you that I'm leaving..... for good. It's clear that I don't have a place in your life anymore and it hurts but there's nothing I can do. I ruined everything when I cheated and I fucked up your relationship with Veronica which will haunt me forever. You won't understand how much it hurts knowing that I broke the only person who loved and cared about me, I really am sorry..... I know we can't even go back to being friends and that's my fault but I just wanted to apologize one more time before I left.... "

She trailed off unable to look at me

"Where are you going? " I asked quietly

She shook her head

"I can't tell you, it's best if I stay away from you so I don't make things worse than they already are "

She looked at me and I could see her eyes glistening from tears she was holding back

"Goodbye Max " she said with a sad smile

I was at a loss for words as I watched her walk away.

I could understand why she'd take the decision she did but I knew deep down I didn't hate her, at least not that deeply. Sure, I hated what she did but deep down after all said and done, I still cared about her. My relationship ending was my fault, not hers even though she played a major part

I sighed deeply and walked back to the cafeteria

I sat down and everyone waited expectantly

"She said she's leaving, for good " I said with no emotion

They all wore confused looks

"Leaving? To where? " Luke asked

"For good? " Violet said frowning

"What did you tell her? " Nicole asked

"Nothing " I replied

Everyone had something to say but Veronica remained silent

"What do you mean nothing? " Roxy exclaimed

"You just let her leave? " Jess said in disbelief

"She's not leaving. Not if I have anything to do about it " I stated pushing the cold pasta plate away

"Just date her already "

I raised my head to look at Veronica who was covering her mouth

"I swear I didn't mean it " she said looking at me

I stared at her, allowing the pain of her words to sink in without showing it

After what must've been a couple minutes, I slowly stood up and walked out of the cafeteria and out of school

I scanned the parking lot and I didn't see Debra's pink Toyota and I got in my car and drove down the vaguely familiar streets to her place

I got out and knocked on her door

Silence Is His Favourite Song Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora