Chapter 31

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Veronica's pov

I knew when I said that I was staying with Noah, that faint glimmer of hope in his eyes disappeared. When he spoke it was as if he'd completely given up, he spoke with a kind of emptiness I couldn't believe was coming from him. When he hugged me it felt like he was doing it for the last time

As he left, I was so confused because I'd never seen him like that before.

Debra, after unsuccessfully trying to call him back along with the others sank onto a chair and sobbed with a pain that I knew was deep and heartfelt and it wasn't something I could stand to watch

I went up to her and patted her back awkwardly because I wasn't that comfortable with her but she hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder, apologizing over and over

"Shhh calm down, it's okay " I tried to soothe her

"It's not " she wailed facing me "I messed up your relationship, you've dumped him and now that you've moved on, he's completely defeated. I hate seeing him like this.... it's all my fault. "

She kept sobbing and I eventually left her there after I couldn't console her


I didn't expect to see him the next day, after all he said he needed a break.

He didn't show up on Friday but I wasn't too worried, I figured he'd come on Monday. Meanwhile I enjoyed my time with Noah as best I could

By the time Monday came around he wasn't in class and from what I heard, he wasn't even in school. I got a bit worried

I asked Roxy if she'd seen him at the fight club but they'd told her he hadn't been there since his last fight

The day of our break up

By Friday, I had became really worried. He may not be my boyfriend anymore but he's still my friend.

The cafeteria table was silent with each of us pondering on different stuff

Noah squeezed my hand letting me know that he was there for me and I really appreciated him for being so understanding during this time

"He's been gone for over a week now " I muttered

Roxy nodded sadly

"Wait a minute, " Shawn

He.... he said we should forget about him. And his demeanor wasn't that encouraging. " Shawn said with a horrified look

Luke's eyes slowly widened

"You don't think he'd....."

I didn't let him finish

"He wouldn't do that..." I said weakly

"Well.... it would be possible, he said he was suicidal before and he never really overcame those thoughts "

Everyone turned to Roxy who hadn't spoken till this moment

I was too stunned to speak

Max was suicidal....that's what I saw in his eyes, resignation, regret and a silent note of determination

I was scared.... what if he....?

Noah shook me out of my thoughts and I realized that everyone was looking at me, we all went out of the cafeteria

"Guys, we should really check on him.... this isn't normal. We all saw the painful acceptance on his face, we need to make sure he's okay " Jess said, clearly very worried

We agreed to check on him after school, the rest of school was completely blocked out. The only thing on my mind was a certain blonde with grey eyes


Once school was over, we swiftly left the school for Max's house. We got there and it was eerily quiet which didn't help the mood, we banged on the door until Roxy found the spare key

We got inside and started looking for him. When we entered his room we were shocked

"All the bottles are gone " Jess observed in disbelief

"The place actually smells normal. The last time we came here it was a mess, just like him. He was surrounded with alcohol bottles and he stunk like a skunk, but it's all gone now "

There was a note on his bed and I picked it up, hands shaking

The others crowded round to read along with me

Well hello there, I see you couldn't keep to my instructions. I told you not to follow me but you don't listen, do you? Well, I'm gone, don't bother trying to track me because once again you will never find me. Forget about me, as I've gone out of the house, I should be leaving your heart too. To whoever finds this, have a wonderful time.


I dropped the letter and Noah immediately tried to console me

"He's gone, just like that...." I muttered as Noah held me

Roxy who was still reading the note suddenly jerked up

"He's not dead, at least not yet. He has a fight for two million. He wouldn't back out of that " she cried

We all slowly understood and we immediately felt somewhat relieved

That relief turned to worry a week later as there was still no sign of him. I had decided to go back to my house mainly so I could watch but he never showed up

I slept that night and there was only one thing on my mind

Where was he?

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