Sex life with levi Ackerman.

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I'm going to be as realistic as possible. Whether your submissive or not there is no way levi Ackerman is a Hardom. Let alone Dom. Being that he had a hard life all his life and joining the scouts, he had no time to experience sex let alone know what he's really into. That being said he's still a virgin. When you guys first meant romantically and things started heating up and you wanted to have sex with him you approached first. What I will say about levi he is horny. He wanted to have sex with someone for the first time not only because of his stress level but because that's something he always wanted to experience. When you and levi first had sex it was definitely really intense. Levi is very sensitive. So when you rubbed his crotch just a little bit he came. You thought it was cute because everyone knows him as a hard ass so finding out he was so sensitive gave you a million ideas. He groans and moans. During sex when you ride him, he covers his face because he's embarrassed of showing his moaning/sex face. He starts moaning when he's about to cum or if your being rough on him. He groans out of frustration if you tease him or he groans because he feels really good. Levi's volume is versatile. One day when you guys are having sex, he could be moaning and groaning softly. Just taking in the pleasure. Next day he'll be loud as hell because he cant take the pleasure. Just because people think levi is a hard shell to open up, he's a passionate person when it comes to relationships. It's rare for levi to have a liking for someone because of how busy he is so when you did break him in that way, him first laying his eyes on you he eventually got addicted to you. I believe levi would get addicted to his significant other because he never thought someone could make him so stunned. He never thought he would feel what loving someone would feel like. He wants to do everything with you. Everyone believes that levi would be the type of person to show little emotion even to his significant other. I think that's utter bullshit. We are talking about if THE LEVI ACKERMAN had a relationship. We all know that it would be unexpected for him to. So when he does there isn't any doubt in my mind that he would show affection to his significant other. Now what I will say is he doesn't go all out. So if your clingy and dont like people who aren't clingy then levi isn't the one for you. Levi will do little stuff like touch you lightly anywhere on your body to show his love for you. He likes lazily resting his arm on your hip or waist and giving you headpats. Levi loves when YOU'RE overly affectionate and clingy even if he's not that way. He loves being touched by you because it makes him feel calmer and levi is touch starved. He never felt a love like yours and was never treated in such a kind way so when he realized how touchy you were he loved it. He didn't say it or admit it, but he loved it. He would act as if he didn't like it and would say "stop brat" but sometimes when you would caress his body, neck or head he'll be so into the moment he wouldn't even complain. You knew his love language was touch.
But to the sexual stuff. I think if you wanted levi to dom you he'd have to practice on topping you. See if you like it rough or soft. You'd have to teach him how to dom and all in all he'll just need tips. When levi does become an expert at dominating, he's really good. He'll know what spots to hit that'll make you go crazy. He'll know that he doesn't need to go rough on you to make you feel good. All levi would have to do is fuck you slowly and just that alone will drive you up the wall. He'll be a good dom. But realistically sexually and relationship wise he'll be the sub. It was cannonly said also by the creator of AOT.

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